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What’s the Best Thermostat Setting for Summer?

keep cool in summer with the right thermostat settting; girl in front of a fan

What’s the best air conditioner temperature setting in the summer? You want to keep your home cool, but also want to keep control of your electricity bills.

Keeping in mind both energy efficiency and comfort, the best thermostat settings for summer are 76° when you are home, 80-85° when you are away and 72° at night. Then use ceiling fans in the rooms you are in to feel up to 4* cooler.

Here’s more on why these thermostat settings are the best.

What Temperature Should I Set My Air Conditioner in the Summer?

The U.S. Department of Energy recommends 78° as the best temperature setting for your air conditioner during the daytime. And 82° for sleeping in the summer. Wait. What?! That sounds a little toasty to us too.

If you want to get the maximum energy efficiency in the summer, that’s the correct setting. But if you want to sleep soundly, the National Sleep Foundation recommends a temperature of 66° to 72°.

With all this conflicting information, what’s the best temperature setting for the A/C?

Here are our recommended settings for your thermostat during the summer:

This handy chart makes it easy to see the best settings for your air conditioning during the summer.

To manage your thermostat, we recommend a programmable thermostat, preferably a wifi version that you can control remotely. A Nest Learning Thermostat is a good option, as is the ecobee Smart Thermostat with voice control. Texas consumers can choose an electricity plan with free smart thermostat.

Night time cooling is more energy efficient, so you could even lower your sleeping temperature a bit. Since the temperature difference between inside and outside is lower at night, your A/C system won’t be working as hard to cool your home. If you like to sleep with the temperature really cold, and don’t work from home, consider a free nights electricity plan.

If you have a 2-story home and 2+ air conditioner units, set your thermostat so the air conditioners don’t fight with each other all day. Set the downstairs a degree or two below the upstairs. 

The best thermostat settings for winter are very different, of course. We cover those in our blog post on the topic, Best Thermostat Settings for Cold Weather.

Ways to Stay Cool Inside Without Lowering the Thermostat

If you want to save on your energy bills this summer, here are some ways to keep cool without changing the thermostat.

You also want to make sure that your A/C is running efficiently. Some ways to make sure you keep your A/C running cold include:

Best Thermostat Setting When Away on Summer Vacation

Summer is the traditional time for vacations in the US. School is out, parks are open. So when you leave on vacation, should you turn your air conditioner off?

Absolutely not. recommends setting your thermostat at 85°-90° on vacation, or to even turn it off. That may be fine in more moderate climates. But if you live in Texas or another humid climate, you should never turn your thermostat completely off when you leave.

In addition to cooling your home, your HVAC system removes moisture from the air when it runs. Turning it off could create mold conditions. Your house will smell musty when you return home.

A better idea is to set it at 85° when you leave on vacation. That’s a moderate temperate that will allow air to circulate properly. Check our recommendations on the best thermostat settings for vacation.

If you have a smart thermostat or one you can control with your phone, start the cooling process about 4 hours before you return home. Don’t have a smart thermostat? Ask a neighbor to help out! With either approach, you’ll be nice and cool as you unpack from your summer vacation.

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