Columbus Ohio Renewable Energy Electricity

Columbus Ohio Renewable Energy and Carbon Neutral Programs

  • Written By: Shannon Bedrich

  • Columbus Ohio has the goal of 100% renewable energy by 2022 and carbon neutral by 2050. That’s a goal not only for the city facilities, but also for all residents and small business owners. Here’s our review of the Columbus Community Choice Aggregation Program for electricity, which is one step toward that goal. Plus we review your options to go green when you opt-out of aggregation. And, how you can go carbon neutral with your natural gas.

    Columbus Community Choice Aggregation (Electricity)

    In November 2020, Columbus voters approved the Columbus Community Choice Aggregation Program, with 76% of residents in favor of the program. With this program, you will get 100% renewable electricity for your home. There are three program phases for the Clean Energy Columbus program.

    • Phase one (June 2021 to May 2022) your power is backed by renewable energy certificates (RECs).
    • Phase two (June 2022 to May 2024) your power is backed by RECs plus Ohio wind and solar. The price for this program is not yet set.
    • Phase three (June 2025 to May 2035) you’ll get 100% of your power from Ohio wind and solar, with a price that changes annually.

    To participate, do nothing and your electricity will get switched to AEP Energy, a retail energy company owned by AEP Ohio. But you do have options for 100% renewable energy. You don’t have to participate in the aggregation to go green. And you certainly don’t have to go with AEP Energy to help Columbus go green.

    You can shop providers, compare rates and still get a 100% renewable energy electricity plan. Or choose traditional electricity and lock in an even lower rate for your home or business electricity.

    If you do get switched to the aggregation plan, you can still leave at any time. You can go back to the utility standard service offer rate, or you can switch to any of the electricity providers below.

    Current Electricity Rates in Columbus Ohio

    Plan Name Term Rate/kWh
    APG&E True Classic 15 with Fee 15 8.70 ¢
    Public Power 12 Month Fixed with Monthly Fee 12 8.29 ¢
    Constellation 6 Month Home Power Plan 6 8.49 ¢
    APG&E True Classic 6 with Fee 6 8.58 ¢
    Constellation 12 Month Home Power Plan 12 9.19 ¢
    Direct Energy Live Brighter 6 6 9.19 ¢
    APG&E True Classic 4 4 9.20 ¢
    APG&E True Classic 6 6 9.50 ¢
    Constellation 12 Month Green Home Power Plan 12 9.59 ¢
    Energy Harbor Safe Harbor Value 6 6 9.59 ¢
    Direct Energy Live Brighter 12 12 9.69 ¢
    Public Power 6 Month Fixed 6 9.69 ¢
    Energy Harbor Safe Harbor Value 12 12 9.79 ¢
    XOOM Energy SureLock 12 12 9.79 ¢
    APG&E True Classic 12 12 9.80 ¢
    Public Power 12 Month Fixed 12 9.89 ¢
    Santanna Energy Services Preferred 12 Month 12 10.07 ¢
    Direct Energy Live Brighter 18 18 10.29 ¢

    Shop Electricity Rates in Columbus

    Carbon Neutral Natural Gas in Columbus Ohio

    Renewable energy refers to electricity from renewable resources like sun and wind. But you can also be green and carbon neutral for your natural gas. And that can help Columbus achieve its 2050 goal.

    Over 65% of Ohio homes use natural gas for their heat. It’s also used for water heaters, stoves and dryers. When you use natural gas in your home, you are burning a fossil fuel. And that generates carbon dioxide into the air.

    Your natural gas can be carbon neutral when your gas supplier purchases carbon offsets on your behalf, equal to the amount of carbon your home generates. It’s called a carbon neutral natural gas plan.

    Only one natural gas provider in Ohio offers carbon neutral natural gas. That’s Ohio Natural Gas. Their Greener Life plans let you lock in a low fixed rate for your natural gas. Plus, you’ll get a $25 VISA gift card when you enroll.

    You can shop for the best natural gas rates in Columbus, or find out more about carbon neutral natural gas plans on, our sister site.

    Going green in Columbus Ohio doesn’t have to cost you a lot of green. Consumers can shop for a 100% renewable energy option that’s not part of the aggregation program. And, consumers can green their natural gas plan. These are all options you have under the Ohio Choice program.

    About Shannon Bedrich

    Shannon Bedrich, co-founded ElectricityPlans in 2016 after shopping for electricity rates using a confusing state-sponsored website. A CPA and our CFO, Shannon is the one that deciphers the fine print on each electricity plan. Outside of work, Shannon enjoys spending time with family, rooting for the Aggies, and exploring all that Houston has to offer.

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