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Compare Electricity Rates and Plans in Bethel CT

  • Written By: Rebecca Bridges
  • Edited By: Shannon Bedrich

  • You have a choice for your Bethel electricity supplier. Thanks to deregulation, you don’t have to be a rate payer. Here are the basics on deregulation and electricity rates for Bethel CT.

    Connecticut Electricity Choice

    Consumers in Connecticut have the ability to choose their electricity supplier. In Bethel, your utility is Eversource. They deliver electricity to your home, handle power emergencies and send your bill. But with deregulation, electricity supply and delivery are separate.

    You can choose to buy your power from Eversource. Or you can choose one of the electricity suppliers licensed by the Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Agency.

    Here are the current Standard Service Offer rates for the utility:

    • Eversource Connecticut residential electricity rates are 11.190¢ per kWh from January 1, 2025 – June 30, 2025.

    Compare that to supplier electricity rates for zip code 06801 and the surrounding area.

    Residential Electricity Rates in Bethel CT

    Plan Name Term Rate/kWh
    Constellation 7 Month Home Power Plan 7 9.78 ¢
    Think Basic 8 8 9.97 ¢
    Constellation 8 Month Home Power Plan 8 9.99 ¢
    Direct Energy Live Brighter 6 6 11.39 ¢
    Constellation 20 Month Home Power Plan 20 11.59 ¢
    Think Simple 12 12 12.50 ¢
    Think Simple 36 36 12.90 ¢
    Direct Energy Live Brighter 24 24 13.29 ¢

    Shop Connecticut Electricity Rates by Zip Code

    TIP: You can cancel any of these contracts with no early termination penalty. Sign up for the lowest electricity rate. Then check Eversource’s rates. If their prices have dropped below your supplier rate? Switch back to the utility rate with no penalty.

    FAQs About Shopping for Electricity in Bethel CT

    What if I change my mind after I switch electricity supplier in Connecticut?

    Consumer protection laws in Connecticut are in your favor. If you switch to a competitive electricity supplier and change your mind, you can switch away or go back to the utility without penalty. This protection applies to residential electricity in Connecticut. If you are a business owner, read the details of your contract agreement to find any potential early termination penalty.

    How do I pick an electricity supplier in CT?

    Picking an electricity supplier in Connecticut is simple. You’ll want to get a copy of your most recent electricity bill or know your account number. Then visit EnergizeCT or a shopping site like ElectricityPlans. Enter your zip code to view available plans. Pick the lowest rate available and enroll your home.

    Do I need to tell Eversource Connecticut that I’m switching my electricity to a supplier?

    Breaking up with your utility company is easy in Connecticut! When you choose an alternative electricity supplier in CT you don’t need to notify the utility. The switching authority in your area, ISO New England, will handle that. Your electricity switch doesn’t require anyone to come to your home. Your new supplier will be a line item on your utility bill.

    About Rebecca Bridges

    Rebecca Bridges has worked in deregulated energy markets since 2001. As chief marketing officer for ElectricityPlans, she focuses on helping consumers save on their electricity bills and find the best electricity plans. Outside of work, Rebecca uses her marketing experience to support dog rescue and can often be found hiking or biking local trails.

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