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Shop Electricity Rates and Plans in Bridgeport CT

  • Written By: Kelly Bedrich
  • Edited By: Shannon Bedrich

  • Looking for the best electricity rates in Bridgeport Connecticut? There are alternative supplier electric rates available from multiple suppliers other than the utility.

    Thanks to electricity choice in your state, you can shop for the best CT electric rate for your home in Bridgeport either from the utility or an alternative electricity supplier.

    Compare Residential Electricity Rates in Bridgeport

    Plan Name Term Rate/kWh
    Constellation 8 Month Home Power Plan 8 10.29 ¢
    Direct Energy Live Brighter 8 8 11.89 ¢
    Constellation 20 Month Home Power Plan 20 11.99 ¢
    Direct Energy Live Brighter 24 24 13.29 ¢

    United Illuminating (UI) Standard Service Rate for residential electricity Rate R is 13.5683¢ per kWh from January 1, 2025 – June 30, 2025.

    Compare that rate to the prices you can get from suppliers.

    Curious about utility rate trends in Connecticut? Here’s a history of United Illuminating standard service rates over the last 4 rates changes.

    Shop Bridgeport CT Electricity Rates

    Most consumers in United Illuminating have not picked a supplier. That’s according to the Connecticut Office of Consumer Affairs, who says that 83% of UI consumers are with the utility rate. There’s no reason to pay high utility rates.

    How to Find the Best Home Electricity Rate in Hartford CT

    Connecticut has its own shopping site with supplier offers, called EnergizeCT. But another way to shop is with ElectricityPlans.com. Our tools and website design make it easy to compare electricity rates online in your area and enroll directly with the alternative electric supplier.

    Time needed: 10 minutes

    How to find best cheap electricity rates in Bridgeport

    1. Get a copy of your electricity bill.

      You’ll need your account number from your bill to enroll with a new supplier.

    2. Search electricity rates by zip code.

      Enter your zip code to see CT electricity prices in your area.

    3. Sort results by “Sort Low to High” to have the cheapest electricity plan at the top.

    4. Review electricity plan details.

      Plan details include the rate, the type of plan and the term of the plan. You’ll want the lowest fixed rate electricity plan. There is no early termination penalty for residential electricity in Connecticut. So if the least expensive plan is 36 months? You can choose your supplier without fear of a termination penalty if you change your mind and go back to the utility for generation supply.

    5. Enroll with the best electricity plan for your home.

      The choice is yours in CT. We recommend enrolling with the lowest electricity rate you find. UI will continue to issue your bill, respond in an emergency and answer the phone when you call. So it’s really all about the best price.

    Average Electricity Bill in Bridgeport Connecticut

    The average electricity bill for a home in Bridgeport CT varies dramatically based on your housing. If you live in a large single family home with electric heat, your electricity bill will be considerably higher vs. a one bedroom apartment.

    The average home in Connecticut uses 8,400 kWh annually or 700 kWh a month.

    According to EIA.gov, the average electricity price in Connecticut is 28.95¢ per kWh (October 2023), including delivery.

    So the average electricity bill in Bridgeport CT is $202.65.

    FAQs About Bridgeport CT Electricity Rates

    What happens after I switch to an electricity supplier in Bridgeport CT?

    Once you select your electric supplier, they handle everything with the utility. It takes one to two billing cycles to switch to the new supplier. And once it’s complete, your new supplier will be a line item on your electricity bill. That’s it!

    There’s no change in your level of service. United Illuminating will still read your meter and respond in case of an emergency. All that changes is you pay a different (lower) rate. Then, monitor the utility rate, which changes every January and July. If the utility rate drops? Switch back to the utility.

    Is there a difference in reliability when I switch to a supplier in Connecticut?

    There is no difference in reliability of your electricity service when you switch to an electric supplier in CT. Your utility will roll out their trucks to restore service to everyone in your neighborhood if the lights go out. They don’t pick and choose whose power they restore. You have the same level of customer service whether you stay on standard service utility rates or switch to a supplier in CT.

    What’s the difference between Bridgeport electricity rates and Bridgeport electricity prices?

    There is no difference between Bridgeport electricity rates and Bridgeport electricity prices. It’s two ways of saying the same thing. The price you pay is a rate per kilowatt hour that you use. An electricity plan from an electricity supplier in CT is made up of an electricity rate, the term of your contract, the details of your contract.

    How do electricity rates in Bridgeport CT compare to rates across the US?

    According to EIA.gov, the average electricity price in Connecticut is 28.95¢ per kWh (October 2023). The average price of electricity across the USA is 16.21¢ per kWh.

    Shop Electricity Rates for Bridgeport Zip Codes

    About Kelly Bedrich

    Kelly Bedrich co-founded ElectricityPlans in 2016 with the goal of simplifying the complicated process of buying energy. As president and chief technology officer, Kelly keeps our development team focused on providing a user-friendly website. When not reading the latest on technology and finance, Kelly enjoys celebrating Taco Tuesday, listening to live music at local venues, and hiking.

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