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Think Energy Fixed Rate Electricity Offers in Connecticut

  • Written By: Rebecca Bridges

  • Think Energy provides peace of mind with low fixed-price electricity allowing you to focus your energy where it matters most – at home.

    About Think Energy

    Originally owned by Engie, an international energy company, Think Energy has been part of Energywell, LLC since 2022. You may have heard about Think Energy from a friend or family member; they use a network marketing group they call Think+ to reach consumers.

    But most consumers shop online when they are comparing competitive offers. And that’s where we come in. By using ElectricityPlans.com, you can view Think Energy rates online, compare plans vs. other providers, and we show the current utility rate as well. That lets you know that you’re getting a good deal.

    Think Energy Rates in Connecticut – (Eversource)

    Eversource’s residential Price to Compare for the generation supply portion of your bill is 11.190¢/kWh from January 1, 2025 – June 30, 2025. Compare that to the supplier rates below.
    Plan Name Term Rate/kWh
    Think Basic 7 7 9.73 ¢
    Think Simple 12 12 12.50 ¢
    Think Simple 36 36 12.90 ¢

    Think Energy Rates in Connecticut – (United Illuminating)

    United Illuminating (UI)’s residential Price to Compare for the generation supply portion of your bill is 13.5683¢/kWh from January 1, 2025 – June 30, 2025. Compare that to the supplier rates below.
    Plan Name Term Rate/kWh
    Think Basic 7 7 10.15 ¢
    Think Simple 12 12 12.50 ¢
    Think Simple 36 36 12.90 ¢

    Shop Think Energy Electric Rates in Connecticut

    Think Energy Electricity Plans & Offers

    Think Energy offers fixed rate electricity plans that are simple to understand. You’ll pay the same price per kWh for the term of your agreement. These plans are called Think Energy Basic.

    Think Energy Simple fixed rates also include a $100 gift card offer, as an incentive to sign up. To receive this incentive, you’ll need to meet minimum usage requirements and remain a customer for at least six months. Think will provide all the eligibility details after you enroll. It’s worth taking a look!

    And as always in Connecticut, there’s no early termination fee. So you can feel free to sign up for the best rate, regardless of term, and switch to another plan or provider anytime.

    Think Energy Customer Service

    When you choose Think Energy as your electricity supplier, your utility will continue to maintain the poles and wires, respond to power emergencies, provide customer service and issue your bill. All that changes is a line item on your bill and the rate you pay.

    However, if you need to contact Think Energy customer service, here’s there contact information:

    Think Energy Customer Referral Program: Refer & Earn

    Think Energy’s Free Energy Club is an innovative way to reward customers for their referrals. It’s simple: refer a new customer to Think Energy. You’ll get back an energy rebate of a percentage of your energy bill (excluding delivery charges).

    Refer 3 customers and get a 10% rebate; 10 customers for a 40% rebate; and 20 customers for a 100% rebate on your energy charges. There is a cap of $2000 annually for the rebate.

    Think Energy makes it easy to refer customers via sharing a customized tracking link. You’ll also have a portal to check customer status for your referrals!

    About Rebecca Bridges

    Rebecca Bridges has worked in deregulated energy markets since 2001. As chief marketing officer for ElectricityPlans, she focuses on helping consumers save on their electricity bills and find the best electricity plans. Outside of work, Rebecca uses her marketing experience to support dog rescue and can often be found hiking or biking local trails.

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