bill payment assistance

How to Get Help Paying Electric Bill

With rising electricity costs, you may need help with your power bill. If you need help with your electric bill in Texas, there are three basic options.

  1. Contact Your Electricity Provider: Your REP is the first point of contact if you need help paying your power bill in Texas. Working with them can give you a bill payment extension and keep you from being disconnected.
  2. Call 211 Utility Assistance: Texas 211 is a central clearing house of resources. The 211 operator may be able to match you to available aid programs.
  3. See if you qualify for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP): This program provides bill payment assistance for those on SSI or that earn less than 150% of the Federal Income Poverty Guidelines.

Below we provide additional information on each option. Plus ideas for bill payment help for those who are not low income.

Read More about How to Get Help Paying Electric Bill

Texas COVID-19 Electricity Relief Program – Bill Payment Assistance

Texas consumers have a new financial backstop to avoid electricity disconnection during the COVID-19 coronavirus quarantine.

If you need help paying bills, the Texas COVID-19 Electricity Relief Program can help. This program is designed to help those who can’t pay bills due to unemployment or economic hardship caused by COVID-19.

The Texas COVID-19 Electricity Relief Program officially ended on August 31, 2020. The information below provides the history on this program and recommendations for electricity service.

If you have trouble paying your electricity bill, contact your electricity company to work out a payment plan.

Read More about Texas COVID-19 Electricity Relief Program – Bill Payment Assistance

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