When you shop for small business electricity, your small business credit is a factor in getting your service set up. The unfortunate reality is, you may have to pay a deposit to start electricity service for your small business. That’s why it’s important to build small business credit. In this article, we’ll explain why you may have to pay a deposit, alternatives to pay a deposit, and how to build small business credit so you don’t have to pay a deposit.
Notice for Electricity Disconnection in Texas: Your Rights and What You Can Do
Most of us have been there. You forget to pay the bill. You go on vacation. You’re running short on funds. And then that disconnection notice comes in the mail. Oh no! What now?
Read More about Notice for Electricity Disconnection in Texas: Your Rights and What You Can Do
The Breeze Energy Meltdown: A Sign of Things to Come?
Breeze Energy customers got a rude surprise on May 30, 2018. They received notification that their retail electric provider had gone out of business. They would now be served at a high market rate by the Provider of Last Resort, or POLR. What would you do if you received such a notice? And what is the risk of it happening to you?
Read More about The Breeze Energy Meltdown: A Sign of Things to Come?
What is a Provider of Last Resort (POLR)?
What happens if your Retail Electricity Provider (REP) were to suddenly go out of business? In Texas, thanks to the Provider of Last Resort (POLR), your lights will stay on. But, your bill will go up dramatically!
In this article, you’ll learn about the POLR, and why you should immediately shop for electricity if the POLR becomes your provider.