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Compare Electricity Rates and Plans in Danbury CT

  • Written By: Rebecca Bridges
  • Edited By: Shannon Bedrich

  • Danbury CT residents and business owners can shop for their electricity rates thanks to deregulation.

    ElectricityPlans makes it easy to shop for your electricity supplier in CT. Plus we give you all the information about your current utility rates, so you can evaluate with transparency.

    Deregulated Electricity Rates in Danbury

    Electricity in CT has been deregulated since the early 1990s. But many consumers in Connecticut haven’t shopped for their power. Eversource standard service rates change twice a year on January 1st and July 1st. Lately the rate changes have been quite volatile.

    The Eversource residential standard service rate is 11.190¢ per kWh from January 1, 2025 – June 30, 2025. Compare that to Eversource rate history and to the prices below.

    But you have options when it comes to electricity. Thanks to Connecticut electricity choice, you can shop for the best CT electricity rate from authorized alternative electricity suppliers for your home.

    Here are some rates from alternative electric suppliers for Danbury and the surrounding area.

    Residential Electricity Rates in Danbury CT

    Plan Name Term Rate/kWh
    Constellation 7 Month Home Power Plan 7 9.78 ¢
    Think Basic 8 8 9.97 ¢
    Constellation 8 Month Home Power Plan 8 9.99 ¢
    Direct Energy Live Brighter 6 6 11.39 ¢
    Constellation 20 Month Home Power Plan 20 11.59 ¢
    Think Simple 12 12 12.50 ¢
    Think Simple 36 36 12.90 ¢
    Direct Energy Live Brighter 24 24 13.29 ¢

    Shop Connecticut Electricity Rates by Zip Code

    FAQs About Electricity Prices in Danbury CT

    What percentage of consumers in Connecticut have switched to an electricity supplier?

    According to the Office of the Consumer Advocate, as of 2022, 90% of Eversource customers and 70% of UI customers are still with the utility rates. That means only a fraction of consumers have switched. When utility prices are low, that makes sense. But with high utility rates as of January 2023, it makes sense to shop around and compare electricity providers in CT.

    How hard is it to shop for an electricity supplier in CT?

    Shopping for an electricity supplier in CT is easy. You’ll continue to get your bill from your electric utility company, with your new electricity supplier listed as a line item on the bill. To shop, you will need a copy of your bill or your account number. Then visit EnergizeCT or a shopping site like ElectricityPlans. Enter your zip code to view available plans. Pick the lowest electricity price available. By law, there’s no early termination penalty for residential customers if you change your mind later and want to switch back to the utility. That makes shopping for an electricity provider a low risk way to save money.

    About Rebecca Bridges

    Rebecca Bridges has worked in deregulated energy markets since 2001. As chief marketing officer for ElectricityPlans, she focuses on helping consumers save on their electricity bills and find the best electricity plans. Outside of work, Rebecca uses her marketing experience to support dog rescue and can often be found hiking or biking local trails.

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