electricity bill

What are Market Securitization Charges?

Market securitization charges are a new line item on Texas electricity bills. They’re a direct outcome of Winter Storm Uri, paying for some of the extraordinary costs of that storm.

The Texas legislature passed House Bill (HB) 4492 in 2021 in response to the storm’s financial impact on the ERCOT power region. The legislation allows Texas REPs to add the charge to their bills for the next 30 years

You can’t avoid paying these fees, which are from a regulatory change. But you might as well understand them, since you’ll be paying them for the next 3 decades.

Read More about What are Market Securitization Charges?

Electricity Bill Calculator – How to Get the Best Electricity Rate

With the Electricity Bill Calculator you can easily see how much you’ll pay for your electricity based on your usage. No need for an XLS to compare electricity prices in Texas.

Enter your monthly kWh usage and we’ll calculate an estimated bill and price per kilowatt hour for every electricity rate on our site. That’s how to find the best electricity plan for your home.

Read More about Electricity Bill Calculator – How to Get the Best Electricity Rate

What’s the Difference Between a Utility and an Electricity Provider?

When it’s time to choose an electricity plan, it can be really confusing picking your way between all the options available and the host of new terms.

One of the most common sticking points for electricity customers is what is the difference between electric delivery vs. electric supply?

They’re both vital to the success of electricity deregulation, but they play very different roles. Understanding how they fit together can make a big difference in your overall confidence as an electricity customer trying to shop for the best electricity plan.

Read More about What’s the Difference Between a Utility and an Electricity Provider?

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