7 Tips To Keep Your Electric Bill Off The Naughty List

The holidays are coming and, for most people, that means your electricity usage will go up. This likely means that your holiday electric bills will go up as well.

Between late night festivities, holiday decorations, house guests, and lots of extra activity, utility bills go up almost every holiday season. That doesn’t have to happen, though, if you follow some helpful hints for cutting down on your power usage during these coming holiday weeks.

Read More about 7 Tips To Keep Your Electric Bill Off The Naughty List

Incandescent vs. LED Christmas Lights: How Much Does it Impact Your Power Bill?

Whether you prefer delicate light strands or imitate Clark Griswold in Christmas Vacation, holiday lights are a part of our traditions.

For most people, once they start, the light displays continue to grow, year after year. After all, who can pass up the deep discounts at those after-Christmas sales? But your electric bill will continue to grow too, unless you buy energy efficient LED holiday lights.

Bottom line? It’s time to toss out your old strings of lights. Today’s LED Christmas lights will add 90% less to your electric bill vs. traditional lights. If you’re looking to save (or accurately assess the full wattage of your Christmas decorations), our tools below will help you calculate what you generate each year and understand how your electric bill reflects these costs.

Read More about Incandescent vs. LED Christmas Lights: How Much Does it Impact Your Power Bill?

What Appliances Use The Most Electricity?

When it comes to energy usage, not all appliances are created equal.

It makes sense to think of smaller appliances like coffee makers using less power than refrigerators and air conditioners, but there are even differences between models of the same machine. The individual differences might be small, but using the more economical versions can create savings of hundreds of dollars each year.

To understand what’s behind your electric bill or to make more informed choices as you shop around, learn more about which appliances use the most energy in your home and how to read their labels.

Read More about What Appliances Use The Most Electricity?

12 Ways to Cut Electricity Costs (2025 Update)

Looking for ways to reduce your electricity costs? Electricity customers should always be on the lookout for cheap electricity plans, but there are more ways to save money than to simply buy your electricity for less.

For most, a combination of lower electricity prices and smarter electricity usage leads to the lowest electricity bills overall. We’ve come up with a list of updated tips (2025 update) to help you save money and conserve electricity so you can make the most of your electricity plan.

Read More about 12 Ways to Cut Electricity Costs (2025 Update)

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