plan types

Shopping For Your Best Electricity Deal? Know Your Usage

What’s electricity usage got to do with it?

Being the electricity geeks that we are, we talk way too much with our customers, friends, and family about the price they’re paying for electricity. For whatever reason, people happen to like to swap stories about their electricity provider and rate.

The conversation usually starts with “Hey, guess what? I just got a <insert ridiculously low rate>,” and usually (unfortunately) ends with a gotcha and a comment about teaser rates, fine print, and usage.

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Do Free Nights and Weekends Electricity Plans Really Save Money?

As you’re shopping for electricity, you’ll come across plans that advertise phrases like “free nights and weekends” or “free nights and solar days.” This may sound too good to be true, but they’re absolutely legitimate.

There are a lot of light companies with free nights and weekends plans. But, what you really want to know as an electricity consumer is, are free nights and weekends worth it? We explain how these plans work, their pros and cons and how to use them to save on your bill.

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The Basics: How to Shop for an Electricity Plan

It’s easy to shop for an electricity plan. But for many consumers living in states with electricity deregulation? Well, the process of how to shop for an electricity plan can seem overwhelming.

After all, many states have a large number of electricity providers. Each provider offers different plans that often look very similar at first glance. If you’re not sure how to get started shopping for electricity plans, you’re not alone. This short guide will get you started.

Read More about The Basics: How to Shop for an Electricity Plan

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