
The 9 Biggest Energy Wasting Mistakes You’re Making at Home

We’re so used to the convenience of electricity. We ask Google or Amazon to set a timer or answer a question, we flip the light switch without even thinking of it, and we expect our HVAC system to keep the temperature perfect.

But some of the ways we use electricity could also be wasting energy.

Here are the most common causes energy waste in the home. If you recognize some of these issues? We also highlight some simple fixes.

Read More about The 9 Biggest Energy Wasting Mistakes You’re Making at Home

The Ultimate Guide to Save on Utility & Household Bills

Yes, this is an electricity shopping site. But saving on electricity is only part of it. Most of our customers are looking for other ideas on how to reduce expenses and save money. When you focus on household bills, especially utility bills, you can drastically cut household expenses. That’s why we created this guide.

Unlike most tips lists, The Ultimate Guide to Save on Utility & Household Bills gets into the nitty-griddy of exactly how to do it, including how much money you can save.

Read More about The Ultimate Guide to Save on Utility & Household Bills

What Appliances Use The Most Electricity?

When it comes to energy usage, not all appliances are created equal.

It makes sense to think of smaller appliances like coffee makers using less power than refrigerators and air conditioners, but there are even differences between models of the same machine. The individual differences might be small, but using the more economical versions can create savings of hundreds of dollars each year.

To understand what’s behind your electric bill or to make more informed choices as you shop around, learn more about which appliances use the most energy in your home and how to read their labels.

Read More about What Appliances Use The Most Electricity?

Do Free Nights and Weekends Electricity Plans Really Save Money?

As you’re shopping for electricity, you’ll come across plans that advertise phrases like “free nights and weekends” or “free nights and solar days.” This may sound too good to be true, but they’re absolutely legitimate.

There are a lot of light companies with free nights and weekends plans. But, what you really want to know as an electricity consumer is, are free nights and weekends worth it? We explain how these plans work, their pros and cons and how to use them to save on your bill.

Read More about Do Free Nights and Weekends Electricity Plans Really Save Money?

12 Ways to Cut Electricity Costs (2025 Update)

Looking for ways to reduce your electricity costs? Electricity customers should always be on the lookout for cheap electricity plans, but there are more ways to save money than to simply buy your electricity for less.

For most, a combination of lower electricity prices and smarter electricity usage leads to the lowest electricity bills overall. We’ve come up with a list of updated tips (2025 update) to help you save money and conserve electricity so you can make the most of your electricity plan.

Read More about 12 Ways to Cut Electricity Costs (2025 Update)

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