
Smart Electricity Shopping During the Holiday Season

December means holiday shopping season for many people, but the one item most people leave off their list is to shop for a new electricity plan.

If your contract is due to expire in the next couple of months, you might be surprised at the affordable rate plans you can find during the holiday season. Winter is traditionally a slow season for electricity shopping, yet there are several good reasons to compare electric rates and lock in a plan for the upcoming year.

You might think that cold weather means higher rates, but that’s not always true.

Read More about Smart Electricity Shopping During the Holiday Season

Is Your Electricity Contract Expiring Soon?

Electricity deregulation gives consumers the power to choose their own electricity provider and an electricity plan that fits their budget. With this freedom comes responsibility. That fabulous rate you signed up for with your electricity provider will come to an end when your contract expires.

Don’t let your electricity contract expire without taking action. If you let your contract expire without renewing or switching providers, you will have a shocking electric bill coming your way. Keeping your rate low isn’t overly difficult, but it does require some planning and timely action.

Read More about Is Your Electricity Contract Expiring Soon?

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