Want to switch electricity companies in Texas? If you live in Texas, it’s easy to change your electricity provider. Here’s how to switch and why you should shop for a provider every time your contract expires.
electricity rates
Purchasing Business Electricity: Energy Procurement Strategy
What’s your energy procurement strategy? For most small business owners, this is just another item that they purchase for their business. You mark the calendar to shop for your next contract, but may give very little thought to other aspects of it.
Here are four things to think about for your energy procurement strategy, to get the best commercial electricity price for your business.
Read More about Purchasing Business Electricity: Energy Procurement Strategy
What’s Driving Electricity Demand in Texas?
Summer electricity peak demand in Texas is expected to grow nearly 80% in the next 10 years, from 85,464 MW in 2023 to a projected 153,230 MW in 2033. And no, electric vehicles aren’t the cause.
According to the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), the entity responsible for managing the Texas grid, the three factors driving electricity demand in Texas (in order of impact) are:
New Tool Makes it Easy to Compare Electricity Plans Side by Side
No one every said it was easy to compare electricity plans. Sometimes it feels like you’re comparing apples and oranges. There are so many hidden fees, lots of details and it’s hard to find the best plan.
That’s why we created ElectricityPlans.com. And now we’re making it even easier with a new tool to compare electricity plans. The Compare Plans tool is part of our mission of electricity shopping made easy!
Read More about New Tool Makes it Easy to Compare Electricity Plans Side by Side
Full List of Deregulated Cities in Texas
Over 26 million people in Texas, more than 85% of the state’s population, now have the power to choose their electricity provider thanks to electricity deregulation.
But deregulation doesn’t include the whole state of Texas. Some cities in Texas are deregulated and others aren’t. The list below will help you understand what cities fall into each category.
What Electric Company Services my Address?
When you are moving, setting up utilities can be a hassle. Especially if it’s not clear what electric company serves your address. Here’s how to find your local electric company by address in Texas.
Summary: You can find your local electric company in Texas by using an ESID Lookup Tool (Electricity Service Identifier), updated daily. Just enter your address to look up your utility company. Plus you’ll see offers from retail electricity providers. Over 85% of Texas is deregulated, meaning you must shop for an electricity provider.
How Does Weather Affect Texas Electricity Rates?
Extreme weather in Texas has a significant impact on electricity prices in the state, since heating and cooling drives electricity usage.
Weather can significantly impact Texas electricity rates due to supply and demand. Warm weather drives high electricity usage for cooling homes and businesses. Cold weather extremes cause power usage to soar with demand for heat. And yet electricity supply has its limitations. Your best bet for electricity shopping is to avoid the seasonal extremes.
In this article we review how weather impacts both supply and demand, how weather impacts electricity prices and why fixed rate plans are your best protection against weather risks.
Read More about How Does Weather Affect Texas Electricity Rates?
Lowest Electricity Rates in Pennsylvania (February 2025)
Looking for the cheapest electricity rates in Pennsylvania? It’s no wonder. Standard offer rates from the state’s utility companies change frequently. A low fixed rate from a PA electricity supplier protects you against rate increases. And there are multiple offers that beat your current price. Use the tools below to compare providers plans and rates.
Here is our recommendation on the cheapest electric suppliers in PA, and the best deals on electricity rates for February 2025.
Electricity rates in PA are competitive. That’s why we update this article monthly to highlight your best bests for the lowest prices. Once you enter your zip code, we not only show supplier rates, we also display the current price to compare for your utility. That makes it easy to see what kind of deal you can get.
Read More about Lowest Electricity Rates in Pennsylvania (February 2025)
Texas Electric Rates – Market Trends and Price Forecast 2025
Texas electricity rate trends for 2025 show prices similar to 2024. Here’s our Texas electricity rates trend forecast, key factors driving electricity prices and what types of electricity plans will be popular this year.
Key Takeaways:
- Texas electricity prices for 2025 will continue at levels seen in 2024. Residential electricity rates will average 14-18¢ per kWh including delivery costs.
- Longer term contract terms (24 to 36 months) will be the cheapest electricity options.
- Pricing continues to show seasonality, with the best contract pricing available in spring and fall.
Jump right to the cheapest electricity plans in Texas or read on for our trends and price forecast.
Whether you live in Houston, Dallas or another area, the question is always, “Will electricity prices in Texas go down anytime soon?” Don’t bet on it.
Read More about Texas Electric Rates – Market Trends and Price Forecast 2025
When is the Best Time to Shop for Electricity in Texas?
We are often asked, what’s the best time to shop for electricity in Texas? The reality is, you don’t always get to choose when you shop for electricity, as it depends on your contract expiration. But if you have a choice? There are certain months to pick and certain months to avoid.
Read More about When is the Best Time to Shop for Electricity in Texas?