prepaid electricity

Smart Meter Texas – Information To Manage Your Electricity Usage

With energy bills climbing, consumers and business owners alike are looking for ways to cut back. One way to do this is to better understand your electricity usage.

Smart meters, installed by local utilities across Texas, can help you do that. Tap into Smart Meter Texas, the free website where you can access your meter information, to start your energy savings journey!

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Texas Electricity Deposits – Everything You Need to Know

In general, you’ll need a minimum credit score of 580-600 with one of the major credit score companies (Experian, Equifax or Transunion) to get an electricity plan without a deposit requirement in Texas.

But there are ways around paying a deposit, including no deposit electricity, which is prepaid lights. But you can also get a deposit waived.

In this article we review no deposit electricity plans, how to get a deposit waived, prepaid electricity and minimum credit score for electricity.

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How to Get Help Paying Electric Bill

With rising electricity costs, you may need help with your power bill. If you need help with your electric bill in Texas, there are three basic options.

  1. Contact Your Electricity Provider: Your REP is the first point of contact if you need help paying your power bill in Texas. Working with them can give you a bill payment extension and keep you from being disconnected.
  2. Call 211 Utility Assistance: Texas 211 is a central clearing house of resources. The 211 operator may be able to match you to available aid programs.
  3. See if you qualify for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP): This program provides bill payment assistance for those on SSI or that earn less than 150% of the Federal Income Poverty Guidelines.

Below we provide additional information on each option. Plus ideas for bill payment help for those who are not low income.

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How to Find Cheap Power Rates in Texas

Want to know what is the cheapest electricity company in Texas? There’s many ways you can search for it. “Cheap power near me.” “Cheap electricity for my home.” “Best Electricity Plan in <city> Texas.”

Energy rates in Texas vary on location. You’ll need to shop by your zip code and usage level to compare options and find the cheapest power rates. ElectricityPlans is an energy price comparison website that helps you compare energy providers in the Texas market and win at the electricity shopping game.

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How to Lower Your Electricity Bill in Your Apartment

The thrill of getting a new apartment usually wears off as soon as the first electric bill comes. Who used all that electricity!? Don’t panic, you don’t have to live with sky-high power bills every month.

Your energy habits impact your apartment electric bill. Luckily, it’s pretty easy to develop new habits and carve a chunk out of those bills. Below, we cover all the ways to reduce your apartment’s electric bill and save money long term, from your daily routine to your energy plan.

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The High Risk of Summer 2018 Texas Month to Month Electricity Plans

Texas electricity customers face historically high electricity prices this summer. The rising energy rates are not so much a result of the cost of natural gas, the primary commodity used to generate electricity, but are a result of increased demand and anticipated shortages in supply. What does this mean for customers on variable rate, month to month electricity plans? High, high, high electricity rates for the dog days of summer. Who is most at risk? Prepaid electricity customers and customers on holdover rates from expired electricity contracts.

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Shopping For Your Best Electricity Deal? Know Your Usage

What’s electricity usage got to do with it?

Being the electricity geeks that we are, we talk way too much with our customers, friends, and family about the price they’re paying for electricity. For whatever reason, people happen to like to swap stories about their electricity provider and rate.

The conversation usually starts with “Hey, guess what? I just got a <insert ridiculously low rate>,” and usually (unfortunately) ends with a gotcha and a comment about teaser rates, fine print, and usage.

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Why Is Your Electric Bill Higher Than You Expected?

Electric bill higher than expected? How can that be? You read the electricity providers’ information and picked what you thought was the best electricity plan available in your state. You even compared electricity rates offered and chose the cheapest plan.

Now you’ve received your first electric bill, and the power costs are much higher than you expected. And you’re wondering, Why is my electric bill so high? Why doesn’t the electricity rate on my bill match what you signed up for? Why is my electric bill higher than I expected?

Read More about Why Is Your Electric Bill Higher Than You Expected?

The Basics: How to Shop for an Electricity Plan

It’s easy to shop for an electricity plan. But for many consumers living in states with electricity deregulation? Well, the process of how to shop for an electricity plan can seem overwhelming.

After all, many states have a large number of electricity providers. Each provider offers different plans that often look very similar at first glance. If you’re not sure how to get started shopping for electricity plans, you’re not alone. This short guide will get you started.

Read More about The Basics: How to Shop for an Electricity Plan

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