man and woman looking at computer and electricity bill.

The 9 Biggest Energy Wasting Mistakes You’re Making at Home

  • Written By: Rebecca Bridges
  • Edited By: Kelly Bedrich

  • We’re so used to the convenience of electricity. We ask Google or Amazon to set a timer or answer a question, we flip the light switch without even thinking of it, and we expect our HVAC system to keep the temperature perfect.

    But some of the ways we use electricity could also be wasting energy.

    Here are the most common causes energy waste in the home. If you recognize some of these issues? We also highlight some simple fixes.

    9 Ways You’re Wasting Electricity

    1. Putting your heating and cooling system into overdrive.
    2. Not changing your air filter regularly.
    3. Setting your water heater at too high of a temperature.
    4. Leaving lights or fans on in unoccupied rooms.
    5. Leaving appliances on standby mode.
    6. Staring into the refrigerator (hoping to find a hidden snack.)
    7. Running the dishwasher when it is not full.
    8. Ignoring poor insulation and air leaks.
    9. Not replacing older appliances.

    Putting your heating and cooling system into overdrive.

    Your HVAC system will not cool or heat your home faster if you drop (or increase) the temperature dramatically. The better approach is to use a smart thermostat to pre-set cooling and heating targets, then stick with it.

    Not changing your air filter regularly.

    Dirty and clogged air filters make your HVAC system work harder and decrease efficiency. Change your air filter on a regular basis. Mark your calendar as a reminder!

    TIP: Focus on the biggest money opportunities first. Heating and cooling your home accounts for over 50% of your electricity bill, following by heating water (18%) and lighting (9%). Find out more about what uses the most electricity in your home in our article on that topic.

    Setting your water heater at too high of a temperature.

    The default temperature on some water heaters is 140°. The better setting is 120°, which not only saves money, it also reduces the risk of accidental scalding. Additionally, use the vacation or “pilot only” setting when you leave town, so your water heater can have a break too.

    Leaving lights or fans on in unoccupied rooms.

    Forgetting to turn off the lights when leaving a room leads to unneeded power consumption.

    Always turn the lights off when you’re not using them. Installing motion sensors at home or on your outside lights can help automate this process.

    If you use ceiling fans, remember to turn them off when you leave the room. Ceiling fans cool the person, not the room, through the process of evaporation. Think of them like a cool breeze in the room, rather than as a source of cold air.

    ceiling lights and recessed lights on in an empty room is an example of wasting energy

    Leaving appliances on standby mode.

    Many devices such as TVs, gaming consoles, kitchen appliances and chargers consume electricity when not in use. This standby power can be wasting energy, up to 5-10% of your household energy use according to

    Unplug devices when not in use, or use a power strip to turn off multiple devices at the same time.

    Staring into the refrigerator (hoping to find a hidden snack.)

    A study by Home Energy Magazine found that the open refrigerator door accounts for 7% of that appliance’s total use (estimating 42 openings per day!)

    As you stand in front of that refrigerator door looking for that elusive late night snack, the cold air escapes and is replaced by the warmer air in the room. The refrigerator compressor then has to work to push the warm air out and bring the temperature back down.

    Organize your refrigerator so you have quick access to those little items you need. And find out more about refrigerator wattage.

    woman standing in front of the open refrigerator door shows a way of wasting energy

    Running the dishwasher when it is not full.

    Your dishwasher uses the same amount of water and electricity when you’re running a full load or just a few plates. Wait until you have a full load and use energy-saving settings when possible.

    Ignoring poor insulation and air leaks.

    The “building envelope” of your home helps maintain your home’s temperature and humidity level. The envelope includes your walls, windows, doors and attic ventilation.

    Check for air leaks around windows and exterior doors. You may also want to add insulation or tent to your attic door, as your attic is exposed to the outside temperatures. Lastly, check the level of insulation in your attic floor. Insulation degrades over time and must be replaced regularly.

    Not replacing older appliances.

    That older refrigerator or washing machine may be costing you money. Consider replacing your older model with a new version that has a high Energy Star rating. Check to see if there’s a rebate available from the government or from your local utility.

    How many of these ways of wasting energy can you put a stop to? Conscious energy use can lead to real savings in your home. Here are additional resources for energy savings:

    89 Ways to Save on Your Electricity Bill

    DIY Home Energy Audit

    About Rebecca Bridges

    Rebecca Bridges has worked in deregulated energy markets since 2001. As chief marketing officer for ElectricityPlans, she focuses on helping consumers save on their electricity bills and find the best electricity plans. Outside of work, Rebecca uses her marketing experience to support dog rescue and can often be found hiking or biking local trails.

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