
New Tool Makes it Easy to Compare Electricity Plans Side by Side

No one every said it was easy to compare electricity plans. Sometimes it feels like you’re comparing apples and oranges. There are so many hidden fees, lots of details and it’s hard to find the best plan.

That’s why we created And now we’re making it even easier with a new tool to compare electricity plans. The Compare Plans tool is part of our mission of electricity shopping made easy!

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Portable Generator for Hurricane Power Outages

The hurricane season is just beginning. And Houston got hit by Category 1 Hurricane Beryl which took out 85% of the electricity customers in that city. Maybe it’s time for a portable generator for hurricane outages.

Here’s a quick look at our shopping process for a portable generator for a 1500 square foot 3 bedroom/2 bath ranch style home in Near Northwest Houston. Hopefully this will help you pick the right generator for your home as well.

Always work with a licensed and insured electrician and plumber when installing your portable generator. Also check local regulations in your area regarding permitting requirements.

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Understanding ERCOT Conservation Alerts

If you live in Texas, you’re familiar with energy conservation alerts. In 2023, ERCOT (Electricity Reliability Council of Texas) issued 13 requests for energy conservation. And 2024 is expected to have hotter than average temperatures, so the risk of energy conservation alerts is high! Use this guide to understand ERCOT’s energy conservation and energy emergency alerts.

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How to Lower Your Business’ Demand Charges

How your Texas business uses electricity this summer will impact your bill for the next year.

If you have a demand meter, your peak demand charges for the next calendar year will be established during the grid’s highest demand days in a 4 month period. That’s known as your 4 coincident peaks, or 4CP.

In this article, we’ll explain what 4CP is and how it impacts your business. Then we’ll give you tips on how to lower your demand charges based on this knowledge.

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CenterPoint CoolSaver Free A/C Tune-Up

Taking care of your HVAC system is an important part of prepping your home for Texas’ summer heat. That’s why I signed up for a free CoolSaver A/C Tune-Up from Centerpoint Energy. Not only did I save $120 with this freebie, now I can be confident that my HVAC will keep me cool all season long.

In this article, you’ll find out about my experience with the CoolSaver A/C Tune-Up, what’s included and how you can get your free A/C tune-up in the Houston area.

Read More about CenterPoint CoolSaver Free A/C Tune-Up

Managing Your Commercial Electricity Contract

When you signed your commercial electricity contract, it included a list of meters and service addresses covered by the contract. It also included benchmark usage information (typically your historical usage) and clauses about penalties for material changes in usage.

All that comes into play when things change. Whether it’s an additional location, moving to a new location, adding new equipment or selling your business, material changes can have an impact on your electricity contract. This article will help you understand what to look for.

Read More about Managing Your Commercial Electricity Contract

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