Energy Efficiency

7 Best Spring Cleaning Tips for A/C Maintenance

An A/C Tune-up is the best way to keep your HVAC system running efficiently. Make sure it’s part of your spring cleaning so you can prepare for the the summer cooling season.

Heating and cooling your home accounts for 50% of your electricity bill. Proper maintenance can keep your HVAC running efficiently and includes changing air filters, clearing the condensate drain and checking electrical connections, ductwork and refrigerant levels.

Our 7 spring cleaning tips for your HVAC system will help you keep everything humming along. Plus, you may be eligible for a free A/C tune-up!

Read More about 7 Best Spring Cleaning Tips for A/C Maintenance

7 Ways to Reduce Your Apartment Electric Bill

The thrill of getting a new apartment usually wears off as soon as the first electric bill comes. Who used all that electricity!? Don’t panic, you don’t have to live with sky-high power bills every month.

Your energy habits impact your apartment electric bill. Luckily, it’s pretty easy to develop new habits and carve a chunk out of those bills. Learn about the best ways to reduce your apartment’s electric bill.

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7 Tips To Keep Your Electric Bill Off The Naughty List

The holidays are coming and, for most people, that means your electricity usage will go up. This likely means that your holiday electric bills will go up as well.

Between late night festivities, holiday decorations, house guests, and lots of extra activity, utility bills go up almost every holiday season. That doesn’t have to happen, though, if you follow some helpful hints for cutting down on your power usage during these coming holiday weeks.

Read More about 7 Tips To Keep Your Electric Bill Off The Naughty List

LED Christmas Lights: How Much Will You Save In Energy Costs?

Ho, Ho, Oh No! Use LED Christmas lights this year to keep your electric bill from becoming the ghost of Christmas past come January.

Whether you prefer a light touch or are the next Clark Griswold, holiday lights are a part of our traditions.

For most people, once they start the tradition it continues to grow, year after year. After all, who can pass up the deep discounts at those after-Christmas sales? The only problem with an ever-growing collection of bright holiday cheeriness is that your electric bill will grow right along with your collection of lights.

It’s time to toss out your old strings of lights and other electric decorations. Today’s newer LED Christmas lights cost next to nothing for shining through the holiday season. With LED Christmas lights, you’ll shine through the holidays for a fraction of the cost.

Read More about LED Christmas Lights: How Much Will You Save In Energy Costs?

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