Energy Harbor is both an energy supplier and a generation company focused on safety, reliability and sustainability. By generating their own electricity, they can provide long-term price protection against fluctuating energy prices.
As Ohio offers residents and business owners a choice for their power, you can do more than shop around for rates. You can look for providers and plans that lessen your dependence on traditional energy sources. Learn more about Energy Harbor, including their use of nuclear power and how their plans vary from price to compare rates.
About Energy Harbor
Energy Harbor is a company working to reinvent clean, affordable electricity for Ohio. Their carbon free plans offer cheap electricity. Their rates and plans could help you save on your electricity bill compared to the local utility. Plus you’ll have price certainty — no more price fluctuations like you have with standard offer rates.
Energy Harbor Rates for AEP Ohio
Plan Name | Term | Rate/kWh |
Energy Harbor Safe Harbor Value 6 | 6 | 9.59 ¢ |
Energy Harbor Safe Harbor Value 12 | 12 | 9.79 ¢ |
Energy Harbor Rates for Ohio Edison
Plan Name | Term | Rate/kWh |
Energy Harbor Safe Harbor Value 6 | 6 | 8.89 ¢ |
Energy Harbor Safe Harbor Value 12 | 12 | 9.09 ¢ |
Energy Harbor Rates for Duke
Plan Name | Term | Rate/kWh |
Energy Harbor Safe Harbor Value 6 | 6 | 9.29 ¢ |
Energy Harbor Safe Harbor Value 12 | 12 | 9.69 ¢ |
Shop Energy Harbor Rates Near Me
What is Carbon Free Electricity?
Energy Harbor is one of the largest generators of carbon free electricity in the country, avoiding the emissions of 46.3 billion pounds of carbon dioxide every year. That’s the equivalent of planting 964.5 million trees or taking 4.6 million cars off the road.
So what is carbon free electricity? Traditional energy is made from burning carbon products like coal or natural gas to produce electricity. Green energy is generated from a renewable resource like wind or solar. Carbon free electricity is generated by a power source that does not generate carbon emissions.
Energy Harbor’s carbon free electricity comes from 4 nuclear power plants in Ohio and Pennsylvania.
Nuclear energy provides more than 55 percent of carbon-free electricity in the United States. And, according to The International Panel on Climate Change, nuclear energy is as clean as renewable energy.
Why Choose Energy Harbor for Your Electricity?
Deregulation equals choice. And when you have that choice, you might as well use it to lessen your carbon footprint.
Energy Harbor directs your electricity toward this goal and offers a deal as you do. Here’s what customers get when they sign up with Energy Harbor:
- Safety first: From its facilities to the electrical grid, Energy Harbor prioritizes safe, stable and efficient power delivery across its operations.Formerly First Energy Solutions (FES)
- Predictability: You’re not thrilled with your local utility provider. And if your rates recently spiked, that feeling is understandable. Energy Harbor promises its customers a greater degree of control. You’ll find that with clear, straightforward contracts free of fine print, simpler enrollment and a choice of fixed-rate term lengths that lower your monthly electric bill. Begin with 12 months or lock in your rate with an 18- to 36-month contract for more predictability.
- A choice of plans: Eager to make more eco-friendly choices? Energy Harbor has a plan that suits your lifestyle. Begin service with a fixed-rate, variable-rate, energy-only or, for businesses, a block and index plan.