cheap electricity

Cheapest Texas Electricity Rates and Plans (February 2025)

Finding the cheapest electricity rates in Texas doesn’t have to be a chore or require tons of research. Every month, we update our recommendation for the top three cheapest electricity companies in Texas, and our cheapest electricity rates for fixed rate plans. Here’s the February 2025 update.

January’s cold weather pushed electricity rates up in Texas. As we get into milder weather, prices “should” decline in February. You can find out more about Texas electricity price trends in this article. Let’s get to what you’re here for… finding the best deal on electricity in Texas.

Read More about Cheapest Texas Electricity Rates and Plans (February 2025)

Texas Electricity Rates Chart – No Gimmicks Electricity Plans

Texas Electricity Rates Charts make it easy to find cheap electricity plans plans with no gimmicks. They’re a simple way to make an electricity price comparison. Below you will find electricity rates charts for Houston, Dallas and Corpus Christi.

A no-gimmicks electricity plan is a basic fixed rate plan that doesn’t include plan structures like bill credits, base charges or tiered rates. These plan structures make an electricity plan look very cheap at a specific usage level. But consumers can get a bill surprise if they use more or less than kWh than the advertised rate.

Read More about Texas Electricity Rates Chart – No Gimmicks Electricity Plans

How to Find Cheap Power Rates in Texas

Want to know what is the cheapest electricity company in Texas? There’s many ways you can search for it. “Cheap power near me.” “Cheap electricity for my home.” “Best Electricity Plan in <city> Texas.”

Energy rates in Texas vary on location. You’ll need to shop by your zip code and usage level to compare options and find the cheapest power rates. ElectricityPlans is an energy price comparison website that helps you compare energy providers in the Texas market and win at the electricity shopping game.

Read More about How to Find Cheap Power Rates in Texas

Everything You Need to Know About Shopping for Electricity in Texas (From Electric Providers to Plans and Rates)

Shopping for electricity in Texas? You’ve probably jumped around to a lot of electricity shopping sites and are now more confused than ever.

If you want to understand how to shop for electricity in Texas, or need more information on switching electricity providers you’ve come to the right place.

Here’s the definitive guide to shopping for electricity in Texas, to answer all your questions in one place. When you use this guide, you’ll find what you need to know about how to shop for an electricity plan.

Read More about Everything You Need to Know About Shopping for Electricity in Texas (From Electric Providers to Plans and Rates)

Is Your Electricity Contract Expiring Soon?

Electricity deregulation gives consumers the power to choose their own electricity provider and an electricity plan that fits their budget. With this freedom comes responsibility. That fabulous rate you signed up for with your electricity provider will come to an end when your contract expires.

Don’t let your electricity contract expire without taking action. If you let your contract expire without renewing or switching providers, you will have a shocking electric bill coming your way. Keeping your rate low isn’t overly difficult, but it does require some planning and timely action.

Read More about Is Your Electricity Contract Expiring Soon?

PlanScan – A Personal Electricity Shopping Service (2025 Update)

Overwhelmed by electricity plan choices? Feel like you might as well be throwing darts at a dartboard to pick your next electricity plan? We understand completely. provides a free personal electricity shopping service for Texas residential electricity customers called PlanScan. With PlanScan, you can take the guesswork out of shopping for your next electricity plan.

Read More about PlanScan – A Personal Electricity Shopping Service (2025 Update)

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