electricity shopping

Texas Electricity Companies with a Satisfaction Guarantee

A satisfaction guarantee can go a long way toward making you feel confident in your choice of Texas electricity plan. After all, there are a lot of things to compare when you’re shopping for electricity.

That’s why we like these electricity companies with a satisfaction guarantee. With electricity prices higher than they’ve ever been, a satisfaction guarantee gives you a chance to shop around.

Texas electricity companies with a 30-60 day satisfaction guarantee include Gexa Energy, 4Change Energy, TXU Energy, Rhythm Energy, Veteran Energy and OhmConnect Energy. If you don’t like your plan, you can switch to any other electricity plan or in some cases, switch away with no penalty.

Read More about Texas Electricity Companies with a Satisfaction Guarantee

Electricity Bill Calculator – How to Get the Best Electricity Rate

With the Electricity Bill Calculator you can easily see how much you’ll pay for your electricity based on your usage. No need for an XLS to compare electricity prices in Texas.

Enter your monthly kWh usage and we’ll calculate an estimated bill and price per kilowatt hour for every electricity rate on our site. That’s how to find the best electricity plan for your home.

Read More about Electricity Bill Calculator – How to Get the Best Electricity Rate

Texas Electricity Trends for 2020

Texas electricity rates in 2019 were relatively flat compared to the prior year. And if you were in a fixed rate contract throughout 2019, you had a secure price. But those who were on a variable rate or a wholesale index rate (i.e. Griddy Energy) had their rate explode in mid August when ERCOT hit a historic usage level.

So what will happen in 2020? It all depends. But indications are that market forces are driving up retail energy prices in the short term, and that long-term contracts might be the way to go this year.

>>Want the latest Texas electricity trends? Here are Texas Electricity Trends for 2021

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How to Find Cheap Power Rates in Texas

Want to know what is the cheapest electricity company in Texas? There’s many ways you can search for it. “Cheap power near me.” “Cheap electricity for my home.” “Best Electricity Plan in <city> Texas.”

Energy rates in Texas vary on location. You’ll need to shop by your zip code and usage level to compare options and find the cheapest power rates. ElectricityPlans is an energy price comparison website that helps you compare energy providers in the Texas market and win at the electricity shopping game.

Read More about How to Find Cheap Power Rates in Texas

Everything You Need to Know About Shopping for Electricity in Texas (From Electric Providers to Plans and Rates)

Shopping for electricity in Texas? You’ve probably jumped around to a lot of electricity shopping sites and are now more confused than ever.

If you want to understand how to shop for electricity in Texas, or need more information on switching electricity providers you’ve come to the right place.

Here’s the definitive guide to shopping for electricity in Texas, to answer all your questions in one place. When you use this guide, you’ll find what you need to know about how to shop for an electricity plan.

Read More about Everything You Need to Know About Shopping for Electricity in Texas (From Electric Providers to Plans and Rates)

CT Electricity Choice – Can You Save on Electricity?

The Connecticut Office of Consumer Counsel recently called for the end of electricity choice in Connecticut. The OCC says electricity choice doesn’t save money. Retailers say you can save. But what’s the reality?

We’ll give you both sides of the argument. We’ll tell you why Connecticut electricity rates are so high. And we’ll tell you whether you can save on your United Illuminating or Eversource bill when you switch suppliers.

Read More about CT Electricity Choice – Can You Save on Electricity?

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