average electric bill

What’s the Average Electricity Bill in Texas?

  • Written By: Rebecca Bridges
  • The average monthly bill in Texas is around $170, or $2,040 per year. That’s based on data from the Energy Information Administration assuming an average rate of 14.63 cents per kWh and typical 2,000 square foot Texas home that uses 1,176 kWh a month.

    Your bill will vary based on where you live, the size of your home and how conservative you are with your air conditioning. The good news? The average cost of electricity in Texas is 11% less than the national average.

    Below we review what goes into the average electricity bill in Texas, plus average bills in each major area.

    In this Article

    Related Topic: How to Find Cheap Power in Texas.

    What is the Average Electricity Bill in Texas?

    The average energy bill in Texas is much higher than the national average. That’s driven not so much by the cost of electricity, since Texas has some of the lowest rates in the country, but by the usage level.

    By multiplying the average electricity cost per kWh by the average kWh per month in Texas, you will get the average electric utility bill in Texas.

    You can compare electricity usage and cost by state using our resource page on that topic.

    Let’s get started on the math!

    What is the average cost of electricity in Texas?

    The average cost of electricity in Texas is 15.32 cents per kWh. That’s based on EIA data for December 2024. That includes both regulated and deregulated Texas markets. The average is based on both electricity and delivery costs. You’ll see updated information below.

    Below you will find average electricity rates in Texas, updated daily with information on ElectricityPlans.com. This gives you a good idea of what to look for when shopping.

    Average Electricity Rates in Texas – Updated Daily

    • Average electricity rate in AEP Texas Central: 16.81¢ per kWh
    • Average electricity rate in AEP Texas North: 18.39¢ per kWh
    • Average electricity rate in CenterPoint Energy: 18.39¢ per kWh
    • Average electricity rate in Lubbock Power & Light: 17.91¢ per kWh
    • Average electricity rate in Oncor: 17.91¢ per kWh
    • Average electricity rate in TNMP: 18.13¢ per kWh

    How much electricity does the average home in Texas use?

    The average home in Texas uses 1,176 kWh a month, or 14,112 kWh a year, based on EIA data.

    Texas homes use more electricity than the national average, for two reasons. First, our homes are bigger. Second, cooling costs have a big impact on our usage. You can calculate what impact appliances have on your bill by using this energy usage calculator.

    For a breakdown of how Texans use energy:

    • For the average electricity bill in Texas, about half of all costs can be attributed to heating and cooling. Seasonal spikes occur in response to hot, long summers and cool winters with occasional but extreme storms.
    • For the next major expense, water heater usage accounts for about 18% of the average Texan’s electricity bill.
    • Cooking, electronics and appliance usage (dishwashers and laundry) collectively amount to about 20% of every bill.
    • Lighting makes up six to seven percent of every bill.

    You can find more about what uses the most electricity in the home in our article on that topic.

    What’s the average electricity bill in Texas?

    Multiplying te average cost of electricity per kWh by the average kwh per month, you get the average electricity bill in Texas.

    The average electricity bill in Texas is $172.05, plus taxes and fees. That’s based on an average rate per kWh of 14.63 cents multiplied by average Texas electricity usage of 1,176 kWh a month.

    What’s the cost of electricity for a one-bedroom apartment in Texas?

    A one-bedroom apartment in Texas is usually around 750 square feet. And a typical home in Texas uses 6.94 kWh per square foot annually, so your small apartment will use 500 kWh a month. Based on 14.63 cents per kWh the average electricity bill for a one bedroom apartment is $73/month.

    What’s the cost of electricity for a two-bedroom apartment in Texas?

    A two-bedroom apartment in Texas is usually around 1000 square feet. And a typical home in Texas uses 6.94 kWh per square foot annually, so your small apartment will use 600 kWh a month. Based on 14.63 cents per kWh the average electricity bill for a two bedroom apartment is $88/month.

    What is the cost of electricity for a large home in Texas?

    Texas is home to the big home. House of 4,000 square feet are not unusual. If you have a larger home, your electricity bill will be much larger. Of course, if you have a new home, you will have the benefit of double paned windows, efficient appliances and excellent insulation.

    Your 4,000 square foot home in Texas will use around 2,300 kWh a month. Based on 14.63 cents per kWh your average electricity bill for a 4000 square foot home is $336/month.

    What’s the average electricity bill for three people in Texas?

    If a household of three people correlates with a three-bedroom single-family home, their average electricity bill in Texas will range from $130 to $200 based on season and energy consumption habits.

    However, this figure will drop for three people sharing an apartment or a smaller-sized property.

    Compare Texas Electricity Rates

    homes in Houston Texas vary in size, but the average electricity bill in Houston is $155.74 per month.
    Houston houses are some of the largest in the nation. Your electricity bill will vary each month based on your usage. Your best bet is a long-term fixed rate electricity plan.

    What is the Average Electric Bill in Houston?

    In Houston, it’s not just the heat, it’s the humidity. Since Houston has a higher level of humidity, it takes us more air conditioning to cool our homes to a comforable level. Homes in the Houston area have the highest electricity usage in Texas.

    Based on ERCOT data, the average home in the Houston / Centerpoint area uses around 15,600 kWh a year, or 1,300 kWh a month.

    What is the average electricity rate in Houston?

    The average electricity rate in Houston is 18.13¢ per kWh based on rates as of 03/26/2025. That's based on a typical home in Houston using 1300 kWh. The average monthly electricity bill in Houston is $235.69.

    That average electricity usage level includes single family homes and multi-family homes / apartments. So if you have a large home (the average size home in Houston is 1952 square feet) you may pay more than that.

    Your average electric bill for your Houston home may be more or less than that. It will depend on the age and energy efficiency of your property, your preferences for air conditioning setting, and the number of people in your household. And it depends on the price per kWh you are paying for your electricity plan.

    Houston electricity rates are competitive. You can easily compare electricity rates online.

    Shop Electricity Rates in Houston TX

    What is the Average Electric Bill in Dallas?

    Based on ERCOT data, the average home in the Dallas / Oncor area uses around 11,255 kWh a year, or 937 kWh a month.

    What is the average electricity rate in Dallas?

    The average electricity rate in Dallas is 18.13¢ per kWh based on rates as of 03/26/2025. That's based on a typical home in Dallas using 937 kWh. The average monthly electricity bill in Dallas is $169.88.

    That average electricity usage level includes single family homes and multi-family homes (apartments). But the reality is, Dallas has some of the largest homes in the country. The average size home in Dallas is 1,861 square feet. So your usage may be 10-15% higher than the numbers shown above.

    Dallas homes average 1861 square feet with an average electricity bill of $112. 36.

    So why is the average electricity bill in Dallas cheaper than the average electricity bill in Houston?

    First, Dallas is a more moderate climate than Houston. They have less humidity, and fewer days that the air conditioning is running. They are also more likely to have snow in the winter, switching to natural gas for their heating.

    Second, wholesale power in the Dallas area is cheaper than in the Houston area. That means not only do they use less, they pay less for it per kWh.

    And third, delivery rates in Dallas (Oncor) are cheaper than delivery rates in Houston (Centerpoint).

    Want more? Here’s our guide to finding the best electricity rates in Dallas.

    Shop Electricity Rates in Dallas TX

    What is the Average kWh Usage for a 2000 sq ft Home in Texas?

    According to the US Energy Information Administration, the average Texas home uses 14,112 kWh a year. And the average size home in Texas is 2,031 square feet. That means:

    A 2000 sq foot home will use around 14,112 kWh a year or 1,176 kWh a month, with an average monthly electricity bill of $188.16 plus taxes and fees, based on typical rates in the Oncor area as of May 20, 2022.

    How Can I Estimate Electricity Usage Based on Square Feet?

    Here’s a way to estimate your kWh usage by square foot for your home in the Lonestar State.

    We know an average Texas home is 2,031 square feet. And we also know that the average home uses 14,112 kWh a year. Doing the math that’s 6.94 kWh per square foot for a home in Texas.

    Here are some examples of how you can use that.

    • 4000 square foot home uses around 27,760 kWh a year.
    • 3000 Square foot home uses around 20,820 kWh a year.
    • 1000 square foot home uses around 6,940 kWh a year.

    Your electricity usage is going to vary tremendously based on the age and energy efficiency of your home, and your heating and cooling habits. If you are buying an older home, consider doing a DIY Home Energy Audit. That can tell you where the problem areas are.

    The best thing you can do when you are moving into a new home is ask for utility bill information from your realtor or the person you are buying / renting the home from.

    And then make sure you shop for your electricity based on your average monthly electricity usage.

    We recommend buying a fixed rate electricity plan, especially if it’s for a new home where you don’t know what your electricity usage will be.

    About Rebecca Bridges

    Rebecca Bridges has worked in deregulated energy markets since 2001. As chief marketing officer for ElectricityPlans, she focuses on helping consumers save on their electricity bills and find the best electricity plans. Outside of work, Rebecca uses her marketing experience to support dog rescue and can often be found hiking or biking local trails.

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