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Cheapest Texas Electricity Rates and Plans (March 2025)

  • Written By: Rebecca Bridges
  • Edited By: Shannon Bedrich
  • Finding the cheapest electricity rates in Texas doesn’t have to be a chore or require tons of research. Every month, we update our recommendation for the top three cheapest electricity companies in Texas, and highlight the cheapest electricity rates for fixed rate plans. Here’s the March 2025 update.

    Top 3 Cheapest Energy Companies in Texas Right Now

    What’s the cheapest Texas electric provider? That changes often depending on how aggressive each company is with its pricing. Here are the energy companies that currently have the cheapest electricity rates in Texas, as of March 2025.

    1. APG&E – While not a household name, APG&E has been in business since 2004. Their 4-month contract is aggressively priced.
    2. Rhythm Energy – Excellent 14 month rate and 36 month rate. Don’t be afraid of the commitment, as Texas electricity trends show that higher prices are here to stay. And Rhythm has a 30-day satisfaction guarantee if you change your mind.
    3. Chariot Energy – Solid company offering affordable rates plus they always include 100% solar energy at no additional charge.

    These recommendations are for fixed rate electricity plans (no bill credits or tiered rates) which we show below. If you are looking for bill credit or tiered rate plans, enter your zip code below to see all options.

    NOTE: Four, five or six month terms are the cheapest deals you will get right now, due to seasonality of the underlying wholesale cost of power. BUT, your contract will expire in June, July or August, when you’ll pay a higher price for your next contract. Regardless of what contract term you pick, sign up for contract expiration reminders so you don’t miss your shopping window.

    You can read more on how to shop for cheap electricity rates in Houston rates in this article. Or review info on the average electricity bill in Houston.

    The plans above are true fixed rate electricity plans, or what we call basic electricity. But if you want to look at plans with tiered rates, bill credits and free electricity plans, enter your zip code below.

    Compare Electricity Rates by Zip Code

    These are the TRUE fixed rate electricity plans, where you pay the same rate per kWh of electricity no matter how much or how little you use. We think fixed rate plans give you the best deal on electricity in Texas.

    You can check rates for all types of electricity plans, including tiered rates, bill credits and flat bill electricity plans.

    Just make sure you enter your average electricity usage after you enter your zip code below! That’s the best way to see if a rate plan is a good match for you. You can also learn more about how to shop cheap electricity in Dallas, and how much is the average Dallas electricity bill.

    Shop Electricity Rates by Zip Code

    How to Find the Lowest Electricity Rate in Texas

    Shopping for electricity doesn’t have to be hard. You can check our detailed “Definitive Guide to Shopping for Electricity in Texas” for a full version. But here’s a quickie version of steps to find cheap rates.

    1. Enter your zip code
    2. Enter your average monthly electricity usage. (Don’t know it? The average house in Texas uses 1200 kWh a month.)
    3. Sort by “Rates Low to High”
    4. Pick the cheapest price for electricity, either based on price per kWh or the estimated monthly bill.

    There are a lot of different options, but we suggest looking at Basic Fixed Rate Electricity plans and just picking the cheapest rate. That’s how to get your lowest electricity bill.

    Need help? You can email us your questions and a copy of your bill by using our PlanScan service. We’ll send you the three cheapest electricity plans for your home.

    Not ready to lock in? Sign up for electricity shopping reminder service. We’ll send you reminders to come back and shop. And we’ll send you electricity price drop alerts when we find a good deal.

    About Rebecca Bridges

    Rebecca Bridges has worked in deregulated energy markets since 2001. As chief marketing officer for ElectricityPlans, she focuses on helping consumers save on their electricity bills and find the best electricity plans. Outside of work, Rebecca uses her marketing experience to support dog rescue and can often be found hiking or biking local trails.

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