Delivery rates for Texas electricity change twice a year, in March and September. Rates always drop in March and increase in September. This September, rates for Oncor and Centerpoint are comparable to last year, with AEP Central, AEP North and TNMP showing increases.
Find current and historical delivery rates using the links below.
Why do Texas Electric Delivery Rates Change?
Electric delivery rates pay for the infrastructure that gets power to your home or business.
While electricity supply is deregulated in most of Texas, the Public Utility Commission of Texas regulates your local utility company.
Each utility company must submit proof of their infrastructure and delivery costs. And they receive a guaranteed rate of return on that investment, to pay for these essential services.
How Much is the Power Delivery Charge in Texas?
You can find a multi-year history of Texas electric delivery fees using the links below.
Centerpoint Energy Rate History
Texas Electricity Delivery Rate Trends
This chart shows Texas electric delivery rate trends for the past 5 years.
Increases in delivery fees are due to several factors: transmission and distribution costs (getting power from where it’s generated to where it’s needed), peak demand and infrastructure maintenance.