man shopping online for cheapest PA electricity rate

Lowest Electricity Rates in Pennsylvania (March 2025)

  • Written By: Shannon Bedrich
  • Edited By: Rebecca Bridges

  • Looking for the cheapest electricity rates in Pennsylvania? It’s no wonder. Standard offer rates from the state’s utility companies change frequently. A low fixed rate from a PA electricity supplier protects you against rate increases. And there are multiple offers that beat your current price. Use the tools below to compare providers plans and rates.

    Here is our recommendation on the cheapest electric suppliers in PA, and the best deals on electricity rates for March 2025.

    Electricity rates in PA are competitive. That’s why we update this article monthly to highlight your best bests for the lowest prices. Once you enter your zip code, we not only show supplier rates, we also display the current price to compare for your utility. That makes it easy to see what kind of deal you can get.

    Cheapest Electricity Providers in PA Right Now

    Based on our years of experience working with suppliers, here are the companies that consistently have the cheapest electric supply rates in Pennsylvania, as of March 2025

    1. Public Power offers a super low rate per kWh with a monthly charge of $14.95, what we refer to as a “buy down plan.” This is a good plan if you use over 900 kWh per month. To see your effective rate, divide the monthly charge by your average monthly usage, then add that to the price per kWh.
    2. Energy Harbor offers a low priced 6 month term.
    3. APG&E has a similar approach to Public Power, a “buy down plan” with a monthly charge of $12.99 on their 12 month plan, plus a great rate on their short term 6 month plan.

    Also a heads up on utility rates! Pennsylvania capacity charges change in June and will increase utility rates by 10-20%. Supplier offers already incorporate these coming cost increases

    TIP: The 6 month contract will get you the cheapest rate in Pennsylvania right now. This contract term will have you shopping again in August.

    Here are the current electricity rates for your area.

    Lowest Electric Rates in PA – PECO Energy

    PECO Energy’s residential Price to Compare for the generation supply portion of your bill is 9.239¢/kWh from March 1, 2025 – May 31, 2025. Compare that to the supplier rates below.
    Plan Name Term Rate/kWh
    APG&E True Classic 12 with Fee 12 10.70 ¢
    Public Power 12 Month Fixed with Monthly Fee 12 9.09 ¢
    APG&E True Classic 6 with Fee 6 9.70 ¢
    APG&E True Classic 6 6 9.80 ¢
    Direct Energy Live Brighter 6 6 10.19 ¢
    Energy Harbor Safe Harbor Value 6 6 10.79 ¢
    Public Power 6 Month Fixed 6 10.89 ¢
    Constellation 6 Month Home Power Plan 6 10.99 ¢
    Direct Energy Live Brighter 12 12 10.99 ¢
    XOOM Energy Sure Lock 12 12 11.29 ¢
    Direct Energy Live Brighter 18 18 11.49 ¢
    Energy Harbor Safe Harbor Value 12 12 11.49 ¢
    Public Power 12 Month Fixed 12 11.59 ¢
    Constellation 12 Month Home Power Plan 12 12.19 ¢

    Compare Electricity Rates by Zip Code

    Lowest Electricity Rates in PA – PPL Electric Utilitites

    PPL Electric Utilities’s residential Price to Compare for the generation supply portion of your bill is 10.771¢/kWh from December 1, 2024 – May 31, 2025. Compare that to the supplier rates below.
    Plan Name Term Rate/kWh
    APG&E True Classic 12 with Fee 12 11.90 ¢
    APG&E True Classic 6 with Fee 6 11.40 ¢
    Public Power 12 Month Fixed with Monthly Fee 12 11.49 ¢
    APG&E True Classic 6 6 11.50 ¢
    Direct Energy Live Brighter 7 7 11.79 ¢
    Direct Energy Live Brighter 12 12 12.19 ¢
    Constellation 6 Month Home Power Plan 6 12.49 ¢
    Energy Harbor Safe Harbor Value 6 6 12.59 ¢
    Public Power 6 Month Fixed 6 12.69 ¢
    Direct Energy Live Brighter 18 18 12.79 ¢
    Energy Harbor Safe Harbor Value 12 12 12.99 ¢
    Public Power 12 Month Fixed 12 13.09 ¢
    Constellation 12 Month Home Power Plan 12 13.19 ¢
    XOOM Energy Sure Lock 12 12 13.49 ¢

    Best Electricity Deals in PA – Duquesne Light

    Duquesne Light’s residential Price to Compare for the generation supply portion of your bill is 10.85¢/kWh from December 1, 2024 – May 31, 2025. Compare that to the supplier rates below.
    Plan Name Term Rate/kWh
    APG&E True Classic 12 with Fee 12 11.90 ¢
    APG&E True Classic 6 6 11.10 ¢
    APG&E True Classic 6 with Fee 6 11.10 ¢
    Public Power 12 Month Fixed with Monthly Fee 12 11.19 ¢
    Direct Energy Live Brighter 6 6 12.49 ¢
    XOOM Energy Sure Lock 12 12 12.49 ¢
    Energy Harbor Safe Harbor Value 6 6 12.79 ¢
    Public Power 6 Month Fixed 6 12.89 ¢
    Energy Harbor Safe Harbor Value 12 12 13.29 ¢
    Public Power 12 Month Fixed 12 13.39 ¢
    Direct Energy Live Brighter 12 12 13.49 ¢

    Shop Electricity Rates by Zip Code

    How to Find Best Electric Rates in Pennsylvania

    Shopping for electricity doesn’t have to be hard. You can check our article answering how to compare electricity rates in Pennsylvania. Or here’s the 5-step process to shop for PA electricity:

    1. Enter your zip code.
    2. Choose from Basic Electricity, Renewable Energy or Support a Charity.
    3. Sort by “Price: Rates Low to High.”
    4. Check the details on the cheapest rate, paying close attention to the term and termination fee.
    5. Pick the plan with the cheapest price for electricity, with a term and termination fee you are comfortable with.

    These are simple steps to find the cheapest electricity rates in PA.

    We also make it easy to shop rates vs. the utility price to compare. Once you enter your zip code, you’ll see the utility’s standard service rate. That makes it easy to see how much you can save.

    Keep in mind that your utility rate can change quarterly or twice a year. Current savings doesn’t guarantee future savings. But a fixed rate does give you peace of mind regarding what you pay. And picking the cheapest plan gets you a win immediately.

    Once you’ve enrolled with your new supplier, that’s it! They will handle your switch with your utility company. All that changes is a new line item on your bill showing your new generation supplier and low rate!

    How Does Energy Choice Work in Pennsylvania?

    In terms of energy deregulation, Pennsylvania set the example for the rest of the country. The state introduced a free market structure for electricity in 1996 and followed with a similar setup for natural gas providers three years later.

    For over 25 years, Pennsylvania citizens have had the ability to switch their provider among multiple companies offering competitive plans and rates. Or you can buy power directly from your utility providers.

    Today, over 2.5 million consumers in the state have opted to purchase from a provider. PA Power Switch provides a comparison tool for examining rates and plans by geographic and metropolitan areas.

    Just like in other deregulated energy markets, Pennsylvania citizens can select from the following types of electric plans:

    • Fixed rate: Your contract starts with a single defined rate, which remains the same to the end of your term. This format offers more stability and consistency for your monthly electricity bill and budget.
    • Variable rate: Market rate and your REP’s decisions result in fluctuating prices. Your monthly bill increases and decreases in response, even with consistent energy usage. ElectricityPlans does not feature variable rate plans on our site. That’s how confident we are that a fixed rate plan is your best option.

    What Is PA Power Switch?

    The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) promotes PAPowerSwitch as a tool for searching for and comparing alternative electricity suppliers in your area, including plans and their rates. In addition to this feature, PAPowerSwitch lets residents and businesses explore suppliers who invest in renewable energy and provides tips to help them manage how much electricity they use monthly.

    As of October 2024, over 1.5 million Pennsylvanians have opted for an alternative supplier’s plans over the utility company’s services.

    To use PAPowerSwitch:

    • You can enter your zip code to identify alternative suppliers serving your area and see how their rates measure up to the utility’s price to compare.
    • You can enter your monthly kilowatt-hours (kWh) to determine how much you could save when you make the switch.
    • You have a host of other features and resources at your fingertips, including information about conserving energy daily and through energy-efficient home improvements.
    • If you’re thinking about reducing your dependence on the grid, PAPowerSwitch lets you find plans that source their energy from wind, solar, hydropower, biomass fuel or geothermal heat.

    On the surface, these features promise convenience and a way to decrease your monthly energy bill. But consumers in Pennsylvania have found a number of issues with PA Power Switch:

    • Any company can post its plans and rates, regardless of PUC violations or a history of poor customer service. It’s up to you to determine if a provider and plan will benefit your budget.
    • You’ve given an incomplete picture of each plan’s terms. As a result, it’s also on you to find the fine print and determine if a provider’s plan will save you money. In many cases, consumers wanting to make a switch get sucked in with low introductory rates or restrictive terms.

    If you’re exploring PA Power Switch alternatives, we cover these concerns in more detail.

    About Shannon Bedrich

    Shannon Bedrich, co-founded ElectricityPlans in 2016 after shopping for electricity rates using a confusing state-sponsored website. A CPA and our CFO, Shannon is the one that deciphers the fine print on each electricity plan. Outside of work, Shannon enjoys spending time with family, rooting for the Aggies, and exploring all that Houston has to offer.

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