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Reliant Energy - Electricity Plans for Texas Residential and Small Commercial Customers

  • Written By: Kelly Bedrich

  • As one of Texas’ largest electricity providers, Reliant Energy provides power to more than 1.5 million Texas residential and commercial electricity customers.

    As a part of NRG Energy Inc. (NYSE: NRG), a Fortune 200 company, they are dedicated to providing high-value, innovative energy products that match changing customer needs to power homes and businesses throughout the state. Reliant electricity plans offer a wide variety of choices.

    Shop Reliant Energy Electricity Plans in Texas

    Reliant Energy offers many types of electricity plans in Texas. They are one of the few companies that let you choose 100% green energy on any of their plans. And they include 100% solar energy free with any of their Truly Free electricity plans.

    Below you can find the current Reliant Energy rates near you. Or enter your zip code to shop rates in your area. Want help comparing plans? Read our Reliant Energy plans review.

    Reliant Energy Electricity Rates in Dallas/Fort Worth (Oncor)

    Plan Name Term Rate/kWh
    Reliant Power Savings 24 24 14.9 ¢
    Reliant Power Savings 12 12 15.5 ¢
    Reliant Basic Power 24 24 16.8 ¢
    Reliant Conservation Plan 24 24 16.9 ¢
    Reliant Basic Power 12 12 17.2 ¢
    Reliant Power On 24 24 17.4 ¢
    Reliant Conservation Plan 12 12 17.5 ¢
    Reliant Truly Free Weekends 100% Solar 12 12 18.2 ¢
    Reliant Truly Free Nights 100% Solar 12 12 19.2 ¢

    Reliant Energy Electricity Rates in Houston (CenterPoint)

    Plan Name Term Rate/kWh
    Reliant Power Savings 24 24 14.5 ¢
    Reliant Power Savings 12 12 14.9 ¢
    Reliant Basic Power 24 24 16.2 ¢
    Reliant Conservation Plan 24 24 16.5 ¢
    Reliant Basic Power 12 12 16.8 ¢
    Reliant Conservation Plan 12 12 16.9 ¢
    Reliant Power On 24 24 17.0 ¢
    Reliant Truly Free Weekends 100% Solar 12 12 17.8 ¢
    Reliant Truly Free Nights 100% Solar 12 12 18.8 ¢

    Shop Reliant Energy Texas Residential Electricity Plans Near You

    More About Reliant Energy

    In Texas’s competitive, diverse electricity market, it can seem that retail electric providers (REPs) entice customers with low rates and then raise them with time. Or they promise deals and discounts for electricity usage, with fine print hiding extremely precise conditions.

    Behind its popularity, Reliant Energy promises to be a true customer-first provider. That relationship begins from the time a prospective customer looks for a plan and lasts through the duration of the contract. To this last point, Reliant Energy ensures that a representative is always there to answer your questions.

    As another factor behind its popularity, Reliant has been delivering affordable power to Texas homes since 2001. Today, the company provides a combination of fixed- and variable-rate plans along with an app for tracking your energy usage and determining where and how you can cut back and multiple customer service channels, including online and over the phone.

    Reliant Electricity Plan Offers

    Reliant Energy is one of the largest electricity providers in Texas. They offer a variety of electricity plans at competitive rates. They offer fixed, month-to-month and renewable energy plans, all in a variety of lengths. Their electricity plans include:

    Truly Free Weekends and Truly Free Nights: Reliant Truly Free plans are some of the best free electricity plans in Texas. You get free electricity at certain times. Truly Free Weekends and Nights give you free electricity during those time periods. Plus they automatically give you 100% renewable solar energy with any Truly Free plan.

    >Read our Reliant Energy Truly Free Nights Review

    >Read our Reliant Energy Truly Free Weekends Review

    Reliant Flextra Credits is their newest plan under “Pick your Free.” You’ll get your highest eight days free each month plus $75 in bill credits and 100% renewable solar energy.

    >Read our Reliant Energy Flextra Credit Review to find out why this is our favorite Reliant “Truly Free” plan.

    Reliant Basic Power 12 and Reliant Basic Power 24: Reliant Basic Power is a great plan for homes using over 1000 kWh. And it is exactly what it sounds like. It’s a fixed rate electricity plan that charges the same price per kWh for all usage. There is a $9.95 minimum usage fee if you use less than 1000 kWh in a billing cycle.

    Reliant Conservation Plan 12 and Reliant Conservation Plan 24: The Conservation Plans offer tiered rates for consumers using less than 1000 kWh each month. Your rate per kWh is higher if you use more that that. This plan is great for apartments or smaller homes.

    Reliant Energy Customer Service

    Reliant Energy customer service is available 24/7 via online chat, email or phone. Call Reliant Energy with account questions, bill payment or to enroll for new service. The customer service phone number is 1-833-302-3650.

    Bill Pay Options

    Reliant Energy makes it easy to pay your bill by phone, check, in person or online. You can log in to Reliant Energy bill pay to make a single payment or set up automatic payment. Or use Quick Pay to pay your bill without logging in.

    About Kelly Bedrich

    Kelly Bedrich co-founded ElectricityPlans in 2016 with the goal of simplifying the complicated process of buying energy. As president and chief technology officer, Kelly keeps our development team focused on providing a user-friendly website. When not reading the latest on technology and finance, Kelly enjoys celebrating Taco Tuesday, listening to live music at local venues, and hiking.

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