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Shop for Electricity Rates in Lubbock Texas

  • Written By: Rebecca Bridges

  • Electricity deregulation has come to Lubbock! After years of having just one choice for electricity, Lubbock Power & Light (LP&L) consumers can choose from multiple suppliers.

    We created ElectricityPlans to provide clear, honest, gimmick-free comparisons between rates and plans and have over 20 years of experience in the deregulated electricity market. Here are some of the tools to help you compare electricity rates in Lubbock to find the cheapest electricity plans.

    What is the average electricity rate in Lubbock?

    The average electricity rate in Lubbock is 16.99¢ per kWh based on rates as of 02/08/2025. That's based on a typical home in Lubbock using 1700 kWh. The average monthly electricity bill in Lubbock is $288.83.

    Current Residential Electricity Rates in Lubbock

    Plan Name Term Rate/kWh
    Champion Energy Services Champ Silver 24 24 15.8 ¢
    APG&E Electricity Plans 6 6 16.0 ¢
    Atlantex Power Luminous 12 12 16.1 ¢
    Champion Energy Services Champ Saver 24 24 16.2 ¢
    Frontier Budget Saver 12 12 16.7 ¢
    Frontier Budget Saver 24 24 16.7 ¢
    Chariot Energy Solarize 36 36 16.9 ¢
    Chariot Energy Solarize 24 24 16.9 ¢
    TXU Energy Simple Rate 12 12 17.0 ¢
    Chariot Energy Solarize 12 12 17.0 ¢
    Champion Energy Services Champ Saver 12 12 17.3 ¢
    Discount Power Wise Buy 12 12 17.4 ¢
    Cirro Energy Smart Lock Saver 12 12 18.4 ¢
    Gexa Straight Saver 24 24 19.4 ¢

    Compare More Lubbock Electricity Rates by Zip Code

    Types of Electricity Plans in Lubbock

    There are two main types of electricity plans in Lubbock:

    • Variable rate plans: Your price per kWh of power will change every month. However, you won’t have a contract, so you can switch plans or lock in your rate at any time.
    • Fixed rate plans: You’ll pay the same price per kWh of power for the term of your contract. You’ll have an early termination fee if you cancel before the end of your contract, but you’ll have rate certainty.

    Within fixed rate plans, there are some different options:

    • Basic fixed rate plans: These are the simplest plans and often the ones we recommend based on our 20+ years of industry experience. There are no gimmicks or fine print. Just one basic fixed energy rate for the term of your agreement.
    • Bill credit/Tiered rate plans: These plans are focused on consumers that use a specific level of power. If your usage matches these criteria, you can get a good value for your home.
    • Free nights & weekends: Free electricity plans give you free power at certain times. These plans can work for you if you can shift your electricity usage to the free energy time period. (May not be available in the Lubbock area.)
    • Prepaid electricity: Depending on your credit, you may have to pay a deposit with traditional energy companies. Instead, prepaid electricity lets you pay a small amount ($40-75) up front to get your lights on. Then you’ll add funds to your account as you use power.

    We recommend basic fixed rate plans for most consumers. That’s especially true if you are new to deregulation.

    How to Compare Electric Rates in Lubbock

    When it comes to shopping, the biggest confusion comes around electricity rates displayed at 500, 1000 or 2000 kWh. That’s the average rate based on that amount of power. But when you look into the details you could pay a different rate based on how much you use.

    And this is why we recommend basic fixed rate plans, especially for consumers that are new to deregulation. Here are the other tips on how to shop and compare electric rates in Lubbock:

    • Shop based on your usage, so you know exactly what you will pay per kWh, and the estimated monthly bill. Our Electricity Bill Calculator feature does all the math for you!
    • Read one-line summaries of the fine print on each plan. We highlight key items for you.
    • Shop by type of plan. If you want a tiered rate or bill credit plan, you can find those. But you can also find basic fixed rate plans, which is what we recommend for most homes.
    • Compare plans side-by-side with the Compare Plans tool, then send the results to yourself via email if you’re not ready to buy yet.

    Check our full guide on how to shop for an electricity plan in Texas or use the quick guide to shopping below.

    Business Electricity Plans in Lubbock

    All commercial customers in Lubbock Texas must also shop for an electricity provider.

    While residential rates are quoted inclusive of delivery charges, commercial electricity rates are marketed as energy only rates. That’s because your delivery rates may vary based on your load factor and demand.

    You can shop online for business electricity rates by entering your zip code. Below are some of the rates available.

    Spend over $2500 monthly on your business electricity? You may qualify for custom pricing. Call us at 844-214-5559.

    Business Electricity Rates in Lubbock Texas

    Plan Name Term Rate/kWh
    Reliant Business Power Plus 36 Months 36 10.40 ¢
    APG&E APG&E 6 Months 6 9.12 ¢
    APG&E APG&E 18 Months 18 9.25 ¢
    APG&E APG&E 12 Months 12 9.26 ¢
    APG&E APG&E 24 Months 24 9.44 ¢
    APG&E APG&E 36 Months 36 9.72 ¢
    APG&E APG&E 48 Months 48 9.87 ¢
    APG&E APG&E 60 Months 60 9.93 ¢
    Reliant Business Power Plus 12 Months 12 10.40 ¢
    Reliant Business Power Plus 24 Months 24 10.40 ¢

    Shop Commercial Electricity Rates by Zip Code

    Frequently Asked Questions about Lubbock Deregulated Electricity

    When did electricity choice start in Lubbock?

    Electricity choice in Lubbock opened January 1, 2024, and all customers were transitioned to a new provider on your meter read date between March 4 and April 4, 2024.

    Why did Lubbock deregulate electricity?

    For years, Lubbock Power & Light operated as a city owned utility company under the Southwest Power Pool (SPP) electrical grid. Lubbock operated their own power plant and also purchased power from the SPP grid.

    But population growth and increasing demand led LP&L to a decision point. They would either have to invest in a new power plant, costing local taxpayers millions of dollars. Or they could join the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) the grid operator that runs the Texas grid.

    By joining ERCOT, they have access to a larger electricity market and more competitive pricing.

    How do I find the cheapest electricity plan in Lubbock?

    You can find the cheapest electricity plan for your Lubbock home or business by shopping online. We recommend shopping only no gimmicks fixed rate electricity plans. We call these Basic Electricity.

    Plans that have tiered rates, bill credits and flat bill amounts look attractive. But the fine print behind them may leave you paying more than you expected.

    To find the cheapest electricity rates, always shop based on your monthly electricity usage. Sites like ElectricityPlans.com let you enter your zip code and usage to compare rates.

    Which provider has the cheapest electricity rates in Lubbock?

    The answer to this varies depending on seasonality, types of plans offered and provider pricing strategy. However, Champion Energy Services, APG&E and Chariot Energy currently offer some of the cheapest electricity rates in Lubbock.

    My electricity contract is expiring in Lubbock. What do I do?

    If you are a Lubbock resident or business, your electricity switched from LP&L to your chosen retail electricity provider between March and April 2024. If you selected a 12 month contract term, you will need to shop for a new contract in March or April 2025. You will receive a notice from your REP at least 60 days from your expiration date. You can renew with your current supplier or shop for a new energy provider. But you will need to take action to avoid paying a high off-contract rate.

    Why are there three rates shown for Lubbock electricity plans?

    When shopping for Lubbock electricity plans, you will see rates advertised based on 500, 1000 or 2000 kWh monthly usage. This is a requirement by the Public Utility Commission of Texas.

    Some plans have tiered rates, bill credits or fixed monthly charges that can make a difference in your effective rate. The three rates in the Electricity Facts Label are designed to highlight this.

    ElectricityPlans lets you shop based on your average monthly usage to find the best plan for your home. You’ll see an estimate of your actual bill including delivery.

    With Lubbock being new to electricity choice, what are the basics of deregulation?

    Electricity deregulation separates the generation, supply and delivery of power into different companies.

    The retail electricity provider (REP) you choose buys the electricity on your behalf, sends your bill for energy and delivery and provides customer service.

    No matter what electricity company you choose, LP&L still delivers the power to your home and responds in the case of an emergency. Your other City of Lubbock utilities, like water, will remain unchanged.

    You can read more on Deregulation 101 in our article on that topic.

    About Rebecca Bridges

    Rebecca Bridges has worked in deregulated energy markets since 2001. As chief marketing officer for ElectricityPlans, she focuses on helping consumers save on their electricity bills and find the best electricity plans. Outside of work, Rebecca uses her marketing experience to support dog rescue and can often be found hiking or biking local trails.

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