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OhmConnect Energy Plans Review

  • Written By: Shannon Bedrich
  • Edited By: Rebecca Bridges

  • OhmConnect Energy electricity plans include discounted time of use plans for EV owners, pool owners and the typical home. And the best plan they offer? It’s a basic fixed rate plan that’s typically one of the cheapest in the market.

    While OhmConnect Energy plans don’t have free power, their half price power plans are just as good (or better) than most free nights electricity plans on the market.

    OhmConnect Energy Plans Review

    First up, the most Googled question about this company: Is OhmConnect worth it?

    Is OhmConnect Worth It?

    When people ask this question, they are usually referring to OhmConnect Energy’s unique offer, OhmHours. Basically, if you conserve energy when asked to do so, you’ll earn rewards.

    OhmConnect is a new brand name in the Texas market, but they’re well known in other states for their work on demand response. Demand response refers to rewarding consumers for their conservation during peak energy usage.

    You can use your OhmHour credits toward your bill or redeem for gift cards.

    One of our employees uses OhmConnect and loves the opportunity to get rewarded while contributing to grid stability. She says, “I love the ability to save electricity, get rewarded and help the grid. I always get advance notice of any conservation event, and I can opt out just by adjusting my thermostat.”

    Now, on to their electricity plans.

    OhmConnect Half Price Nights Review

    Half Price Nights is OhmConnect’s entry in the free power game. It’s not free, it’s half price at certain times (thus the name).

    But don’t be put off by not getting free power. This plan with half price nights is a good value and one you should consider if you’re shopping free nights and weekends plans.

    About OhmConnect Half Price Nights Plan

    • Full daytime rate from 6am to 8:59pm
    • Half price nighttime rate from 9pm to 5:59am
    • Delivery charges passed through at cost
    • Electricity Facts Label average rate assumes you use 31.4% of your power at night

    Is OhmConnect Half Price Nights Worth It?

    Like most free or discounted power plans, this plan is only worth it if you’re able to shift your electricity usage to get a lower average price.

    The average rate already accounts for half off your power at night, from 9-6am. And at the time of this review, that average rate is about 1 penny per kWh above OhmConnect’s fixed rate plans.

    That’s why this plan is only worth it if you use more than 30% of your power at night.

    If you shift usage to the night time, your average rate will drop to be the same or better than OhmConnect’s fixed rate plan, TexasConnect.

    But if you aren’t going to shift your power usage and change your habits, you are better off with OhmConnect’s fixed rate plan.

    Ways to shift power usage include moving laundry and dishwashing to the nighttime and keeping the thermostat higher until after 9pm. And, if applicable, charging your EV and running your pool pump at night.

    Below you can see how Half Price Nights stacks up to their other plans.

    OhmConnect Energy Plans & Rates (Houston Area)

    Plan Name Term Rate/kWh
    OhmConnect Energy TexasConnect 36 36 15.8 ¢
    OhmConnect Energy TexasConnect 24 24 15.8 ¢
    OhmConnect Energy TexasConnect 12 12 15.9 ¢
    OhmConnect Energy Half Price Nights 24 24 16.2 ¢
    OhmConnect Energy PoolConnect 24 24 16.2 ¢
    OhmConnect Energy GreenConnect 12 12 16.3 ¢
    OhmConnect Energy EVConnect 24 24 16.3 ¢
    OhmConnect Energy Half Price Nights 12 12 16.4 ¢

    OhmConnect Energy Plans & Rates (Dallas Area)

    Plan Name Term Rate/kWh
    OhmConnect Energy TexasConnect 36 36 15.2 ¢
    OhmConnect Energy TexasConnect 24 24 15.2 ¢
    OhmConnect Energy TexasConnect 12 12 15.3 ¢
    OhmConnect Energy Half Price Nights 24 24 15.5 ¢
    OhmConnect Energy GreenConnect 12 12 15.5 ¢
    OhmConnect Energy PoolConnect 24 24 15.5 ¢
    OhmConnect Energy Half Price Nights 12 12 15.6 ¢
    OhmConnect Energy EVConnect 24 24 15.6 ¢

    Shop OhmConnect Electricity Rates

    You can also compare this plan to other free nights electricity plans and you can see how it compares. It’s one of the cheaper discounted power plans on the market.

    OhmConnect TexasConnect Plan Review – Best Plan

    In our review of their OhmConnect’s half priced nights plan, we keep bringing up OhmConnect’s Fixed rate plan, TexasConnect. That’s because it’s the best plan that OhmConnect offers. It’s a straight-forward, no gimmicks electricity plan.

    In our 20 years in the energy business, we’ve found that people think they can change their power usage and habits. They think it’s easy to shift power usage to the free or discounted time periods.

    And initially they do that. They move dishwashing and laundry. They monitor their thermostat settings. Some people maintain that. Most quickly move back into old habits.

    That’s why a simple fixed rate plan is usually best for most homes. And OhmConnect’s fixed rate plan is typically among the cheapest available.

    About OhmConnect TexasConnect Plan

    • Fixed rate per kWh for energy
    • Delivery charges passed through at cost
    • Use power anytime you want for the same low price

    Is OhmConnect TexasConnect A Good Plan?

    OhmConnect TexasConnect is a fixed rate plan with various term lengths. They price aggressively and are usually at the top of our electricity rates charts for lowest price.

    This is a great plan for most Texas homes.

    This plan comes in the typical 12, 24, 36 month terms. But they are also smart enough to offer “sweet spot pricing.” If you see any odd-term plans like 18 or 22 months, check them out, as they offer a great value.

    OhmConnect PoolConnect Plan Review

    OhmConnect Energy plans are designed for different types of households. Their PoolConnect plan is specifically designed for people who want to run their pool pump during the daytime hours.

    Now, if you have a pool, first make sure you have a variable speed pool pump, because that’s key to cutting your pool power usage by 80%.

    Then pick the energy plan that will give you the lowest total bill.

    About OhmConnect PoolConnect Plan

    • Full rate from 2pm to 5:59am
    • Half price rate from 6am to 1:59pm
    • Delivery charges passed through at cost
    • Electricity Facts Label average rate assumes you use 29.6% of your power during the half price period.

    Is OhmConnect PoolConnect Worth It?

    This is a great, targeted electricity plan that’s attractive for pool owners. But once again, as with the Half Price Nights Plan, you may be better off looking at OhmConnect’s basic fixed rate energy plan, TexasConnect

    That’s because the average rate on this plan assumes you use around 30% of your power when your pool pump is running from 6am to 2pm.

    To make this plan worth it, i.e. the equivalent average price of TexasConnect, you would need to shift more of your usage to that morning time slot.

    Why You Can Trust Our Reviews

    Featured plans on are based on our review of plan details, company reputation, and what we think is the best offer for the consumer. Our experience encompasses over 20 years of work in the Texas electricity business.

    You can view our Editorial Guidelines here.

    About Shannon Bedrich

    Shannon Bedrich, co-founded ElectricityPlans in 2016 after shopping for electricity rates using a confusing state-sponsored website. A CPA and our CFO, Shannon is the one that deciphers the fine print on each electricity plan. Outside of work, Shannon enjoys spending time with family, rooting for the Aggies, and exploring all that Houston has to offer.

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